Chapter 24

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No. No way, just no.

This. was.not.happening.

"Dammit, No! Monty!" I screamed while leaping forward towards his body. His very unmoving body "No, God no! This isnt happening, this is not happening!" I kept repeating myself

"Clarke!"Maggie exclaimed, slowely pulling me awya from Monty.

For a moment, everything froze.Everything stopped and all i could do was stare at hime right infront of me, on the ground. Not moving.

His eyes were still open, staring at me and for some unknown reason i just couldnt look away. He was too innocent to go, he had done nothing wrong. Yet here I was, staring into his unmoving eyes and I realised it was all real. Monty was gone. And there was nothing I could do about it.

"Clarke! We need to get out of here! Now!" Maggie yelled and pulled at me once more but my feet seamed to have been glues to the ground and I just wouldnt move.

The sudden strike of another arrow on the ground next to my foot finally brought me back to my senses

"Clarke we really have to go!" Maggie said for the last time and we bolted to the nearest rock that would cover us from the nearby trees. The most likely place the assasin had fired from. Meaning we could be facing a grounder. An armed grounder who knew exaclty where we were. And we were here stitting duckd, unarmed and unable to do do anything that could save us.

So much for us being hero's.


"Did you hear that?" Bellamy asked as he stopped grabbing at the rocks

"Hear what?" Alex asked him and mere seconds later, I heard it too.

"That!" I replied "Something in the tree's. And there! it sounds like... an arrow?" Bellamy shook his head, confirming he had heard the same thing.

"We need to find Clarke! She could be in danger.So could Monty and Maggie !" I told them and started to head towards the sound but Alex grabbed my shirt and pulled me back

"We can't just go barging in there and act like saviors! We need a plan" Alex said but Bellamy was already shacking his head

"We dont have time for a plan!" He said, starting towards the sound with me behind him

"Listen! If we don't-"

"You want a plan? Fine. Get everyone out of there, Alive! Thats the plan" And with that we took off. I could hear Alex let out a sigh behind us, but he followed, which i knew he would. He wouldnt let anything happen to Maggie the same way we would never let anything happen to our people. To Clarke.


"Clarke, listen to me! We need to get out of here and we need to do it now! Do you understand me?" Maggie asked but i barely heard her. Its like my brain shut down. My body was acting on impusle, arms sheilding my head from the arrows coming from above as we ran to get away from the assailant 

"Im done" I whispered softly as Maggie stopped behind another boulder that provided us with a temporary shelter from whoever was after us

"What?" Maggie asked, out of breath

"Im done.I dont want to do this anymore. So many people are dying and I dont want this.I never wanter this. I want to go home, I want to go back. Im done...Im done.....Im done" 

"Clarke, I need you to focus! You cant break down here, we need to-" Maggie started, but it didnt matter anymore. None of it mattered anymore

"Im done" I repeated. As if saying it would make things better. Nothings could make things better. Monty was gone, my people were trapped in a goddamn mountain, there was a grounder somewhere in the trees shooting down arrows at us.

This is not what i wanted my life to be like. If you had asked me while i was still on the ark, what i would be doing now, my answer would have been something along the lines of 'Working with the medical staff' or 'Studying with Wells'

Not getting people killed

*Anyway we can ignore the fact that this should have been published 7 months ago?? I had this written and never published it (I was probably planning to write more)

Anyway, not sure if anyone still reads this, especially when the new season is almost ending and the story is not exactly the best. Shouild i write a new story? or just continue? T

Thanks to everyone who ever read this anyway (9K?? like how is that possible)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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