Chapter 18

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"We need a plan!" Monty declared once all of the shock about learning the news was gone. It took a while

"I thought that part was obvious" Alex said leaning back against the bed frame. We had all moved around and shifted, trying to get comfortable because we knew it was going to be a long night.

"So? Do you have a plan or not?" I asked Alex who shifting his annoyed glaze towards me. Maggie was sitting next to him, holding his hand. They made a cute couple - at least I think they are one- and I would compliment on it if we weren't trying to save our lives here

"Not yet" Alex sighed and rubbed his forehead with his free hand " I've been thinking so much I think I might have cause permanent damage" he said melodramatically and Maggie beside him smiled softly

"You'll be fine" she assured " But we do need a plan, Alex"

"I know. So far all I know is that we need to find those papers" he said

"If they aren't in Ash's room then where are they?" I asked, my voice laced with confusion

"I wish I knew" He said simply, closing his eyes for a brief while. He looked completely drained, he had dark circles under his eyes, his voice groggy like he had just woken up. He was a basically a talking zombie at the moment

Not that we weren't much different. Maggie had a mirror across from the chair I was currently sitting in. It wasn't a pretty view either. Like Alex, I had dark circles under my eyes, my hair looked like a birds nest and my face was completely drained too.

I hadn't even realized how sleep deprived we were until a few moments ago. Taking a quick look at Monty next to me, I saw he looked the same as we did.

" Maybe we should get some sleep" I suggested

"Absolutely not. We don't have much time before Ash finds us. We need to make a plan quickly!" Alex said shaking his head all the way through

"For once I agree with him" Monty said almost as soon as Alex had finished " We don't know how much time we have until they lock us up again, Clarke. Besides, we can risk that. What about the others? We can't just give up!"

"I'm not giving up" I insisted "look at us! We are all dead tired. When was the last Time either of you had some sleep?" I asks Monty and Alex and they both avoided my gaze, finding the floor more interesting

"We can't make a good enough plan when we can barely stay awake" I argued and Maggie nodded beside me

"She right, and as much as I want to help too, none of us can make a good plan in this condition" she said and I knew she would be able to convince Alex more than I ever could.

Alex sighed loudly and took a look at his watch on his wrist. I had been so unfocused I hadn't even seen it there. "We can take four hours to rest" he said after a minute of silence

" Thats all we can afford to wait. By then it would be about 3am and maybe we could sneak into the prison where they are keeping Henry" he said

"Henry?" I asked

"The man who knows that Ash is not supposed to rule. The one who knows about the papers" he said

"Right. Good plan so far" Monty said " but where are we going to sleep?" He asked

"You can come with me, and Clarke can stay here with Maggie" Alex said straight away

"Why do we need to split up?" I asked. Partly because I don't want to leave Monty and also because I did not want to stay anywhere near Emilia

"It will be easier. If they check our rooms, they will only find one of you" he explain "Besides, they wouldn't search Emilia's room, even when she is not here. I can take care if Monty until we leave" he said as if he had read my mind

"Alright then" I said as Monty and Alex stood up from Maggie's bed

"We will meet you here in four hours" Alex said as he kissed Maggies cheek and she nodded "Sleep well" He said speaking to her more than me

I nodded at Monty and he nodded back. Tomorrow we might be reunited with the rest of the hundred

There something to dream about after all.

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