The New One

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Homesickness comes quick after leaving a place you have known and lived in your whole life. Knowing every street and every little crook and cranny. It's not as easy, though moving away sounds like heaven for some although it does come with a price. Depending on the person this consequence can either be hard on them or easy. I guess you can already tell how I'm handling the situation
My names Aleks and I've lived in NYC for most of my life and moving to England sounded like heaven. Not as much as a dream come true, but still sounded some what nice. From a young age I was always fascinated with traveling, andy first stop was always England. I wanted to experience their culture, food, landscapes and dare I say it their weather. Yes it may seem to others like its the country that always rains but I wanted to feel what it felt like. Strange how change can make you feel good and bad at the same time. The undeniable truth is some of us are scared by change yet we always end up wanting to try something new or out of the ordinary. Something that could change our lives. Something that could make them better. Something different.

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