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The ceremony ended quickly, everyone started walking to their lessons, so did I. I found my class quite easily due to the vast amount of people talking about their art class whilst walking to it. Coincidence, very  much so. I walked in and took a seat next to the window. The teacher can in a minute or two after. I looked over and saw a familiar head of blonde hair. The Barista I though. I guess I know someone, kind of. The lesson went on as followed; The teacher talked and we listened. The first day was about getting to know your environment so we didn't do much work. But we did talk about our coursework and assignments , stuff like that. Not too exciting but calm. I almost forgot he was here until a familiar voice spoke. "Hey again." He sat down opposite me whilst I looked up to meet his face looking at me. "Hi hello" I said slightly stuttering. Not a good start to socialising and to top that off I said hi hello again, I need to stop acting on instinct. His smile grinned at the words that escaped my lips and slight chuckle to add onto it. "Quite a Coincidence we both have art together" he said whilst looking down at an A4 sheet of paper the teacher gave us about our first assignment. "I guess it must be" I say whilst still looking at him. He chuckled slightly but didn't look up from the paper." A sigh escaped his lips whilst he leaned back in his chair. "I was expecting a lot more...Action on the first lesson." He said smiling. An agreeing laugh escaped my lips while I nodded " Me too, its a bit , well, boring. But then again I guess we do need to know these things"I said referring to the paper sheets we had. He tutted slightly and put his head down on the table. "At least this is fun" I agreed. This little conversation was surprisingly comfortable and easy going. It felt right. We sat in comfortable silence.

The rain outside tapped the windows as if wanting to come in whilst the sun rested behind the clouds that covered the sky like curtains, Hiding the shine of the sun. The trees swayed with the wind in unison, as if they were dancing to the sounds of the wind.

As the sun his behind the clouds it could talk to the moon once again, without getting caught. A small conversation that held a lot of feelings.

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