The galaxy

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The galaxy is a beautiful place where the sun and the moon see each other at the same time and smile knowing they can't live without each other. Like a love story with no end. Well technically speaking that wouldn't be true, after all the sun will explode one day and during that process it will hurt its love unknowingly. The stars will huddle up close to the moon whilst they shine the brightest they have along with the moon. Unleashing their full potential for the last time. Although they know it's not the sun's fault... It had no choice. But for now they enjoy their moments together surrounded by the galaxy and their little planets.
Venus. That's my name, most people just call me V since it rolls of the tongue better. I live in Peacehaven in England. Its a nice place especially since I wake up to the view of the sea shining in the sunlight. However its quite far from my college. I got accepted into Bhasvic college. I'm not going to complain, granted there are better colleges but that's the one um most familiar with. You see I went to Newman and well I've come across the college a lot so I know my way around, well at least some what. Some of my friends went abroad and study there whereas some didn't go to college and just went straight into work. The ones that did go to college went to Brighton or Sussex or something like that. Around those areas so we can still hang out and catch up, that is if we have time. Plus I can still try to make new friends, I've always wanted to try that and well failed but this is college so hopefully it'll be easier. Hopefully. But who knows, only time can tell.

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