Say What You Feel

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Chris POV

Laying on my bed, I debated whether getting up was worth it. I haven't slept for a while, thoughts capturing my mind whilst I tried to rest my head once again, yet to no avail. I dragged my body out of my bed as I walked down the stairs, I grabbed a drink and sat down at the kitchen counters. I rested my head against my palm as I exhaled sharply. "What's up with you" I looked up to see Lysander walking down the stairs into the kitchen, he sat opposite me as I swirled the water in my cup. I shook my head "It's nothing" I said as I poured the remainder of the liquid in my mouth and go up. The cup clattered as I set it into the sink." It's her isn't it" I could feel his stare burning into the back of my head. I dared not to turn around, he knew and he wasn't wrong, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that day, at first I couldn't tell what was wrong, I couldn't tell where I messed up. I sighed as I shook my head and turned to face him. "Just leave it," I said ignoring any response of his as I walked up the stairs once again to retrieve my clothes and bag. 

School was a bore, as it has been for the past week or so. Gym was no longer something I looked forward to, I didn't get to see those blonde locks and the soft voice that belonged to the maiden. I thought of her as I walked out of the school into seven dials, I wondered if she was okay. It had been a week and a few days since she came to school or college. I still haven't gotten used to saying that, It doesn't feel right without her there, however, I couldn't tell why I needed her there. I couldn't tell how I was feeling.

Aleks POV

I laid in bed, the clock ticked on my bedside cabinet as I stared at the ceiling mesmerized with my own thoughts. The clock read 12 as I turned over to face the door of my room. It had been a while since I came to school. That's when an idea popped into my head. I got up and walked into the corridor and into the guest room. and walked around, the room was bland and quite bright, I hadn't renovated it ever since I placed things into it. I used it as a storage unit for a long period before venus came into my house. I took out my box of tools and decided to renovate the room. Venus had an evening shift so I had some time to prepare this surprise.

Venus POV

I finished my art project in the lesson, luckily. I swear I would have lost my mind if I had one more lesson of painting portraits, Not because Lysander's face was unbearable, I actually found it quite attractive, anyways ignore me, I hate drawing portraits and the fact that every time he touched my face lightly to take a look at it killed me. The way his brown eyes observed every detail of my face, I mentally slapped myself every time the heat in my cheeks rose. Our footsteps were synced as we both walked down the pavement. Evening shifts were my favorite, they were perfect times since we could see the sunset from the cafe windows.

However customers were spare at this time, I leaned against the counter as I flicked through my phone. from the corner of my eye, I saw Lysander fidgeting, HIs brown orbs were looking at me, I felt the heat in my cheeks rise again. Damn him, He knew he made me this way, at least that's what I thought. He coughed whilst moving towards me. "Sorry," he said As he squeezed past me. However I immediately knew where he was going, You see the space behind the counter is a tight squeeze so when you pass by you sometimes tend to brush against someones else and when you do you feel everything. My eyes widened slightly as he squeezed past, I could feel something hard brush against my rear as I looked to my right to see him... Adjusting. I looked down quickly as I could feel my whole face heat up simultaneously. 

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