The 'Bad' Boy

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Secrets, they take over your mind and  devour you whenever they can... I would know. They say secrets ruin relationships, but how does that work if the secret you keep is between yourself and no one else. Yet no matter how much we hear about secrets ruining things we are still intrigued by them. The mysteriousness of it all captivates us, some may say its unfortunate.

I'm very well acquainted with secrets. Almost like they have grown to be like family. Yet no one has met them or even heard about them.
My name's Chris. Or more commonly known as the jock of the century, at least that's what all my friends say. Well friends as in the people who idolise me. If only they knew. But no matter, the attention is nice I have to admit. I almost live for it, as if its become a part of me. As if I rely on it . If you haven't gathered by now I'm pretty popular, especially with the ladies if you know what I mean. Yet I can't keep one for more than a few days. Relationships aren't my thing. I like the sense of freedom, I might take it for granted but nonetheless its a nice feeling. Anyways I recently got accepted into Bhasvic college. Not the best but not the worst either. It's good enough. I could have gone to Oxford or Cambridge, and yes I would have gotten accepted. I may be a jock and some may prejudge me thinking I'm as thick as thick can get but I've got pretty good grades. Especially in Athletics. Quite stereotypical for a jock I know but in all honesty its really enjoyable. The feeling of the wind tracing your body as you run or the feeling of the beads of sweat holding passion and hard work in them, or even the tears trickling down after scoring a goal a few seconds before the match ended. That's what I enjoy about Athletics. The feelings you experience. Anyway off topic, I decided to go to Bhasvic since my close friends got into it, and to be honest I hold them close and I didn't exactly want to part just yet. We still had some things to do.

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