Family Feuds

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Aleks POV

Yesterday evening was a blast, not. The fight got uglier than expected and we were all punished. for no reason. I woke up this morning with the sun in my eyes, I turned around and tried to fall back into my deep slumber but to no avail. I stared at the ceiling and listened to cars pass by. After a while the sweet sounds of this urban area got boring so I decided there was nothing else to do but wake up. I got up and picked out my outfit for today, I choose a casual top with a jean jacket and a black skirt. Grabbing my phone I walked out of my room and walked down the stairs.  I opened the curtains to all the windows and sat down at the kitchen table. Scrolling through my phone I realized it was nearly 7 and I should probably get a move on, I grabbed a sandwich and walked out of my apartment. I lived in a fairly nice area, my apartment was a two-story apartment which was quite nice for the rent I paid.

Seven Dials, an area of traffic mayhem.  I walked the same way every day, It didn't help with the loud noises of the crowds of college kids walking around. I put in my earphones and started listening to my music whilst taking in the surroundings again.

I walked into the school and went straight to the principal's office, after yesterday we were getting punished and we had to do something for the principal. Great, I thought to myself as I stood outside the door. I noticed Venus coming as she waved to me and so I did the same. She was short for her age. Below average. It was quite funny actually to see the difference between her and someone like let's say, Chris. God I'm thinking about him again. This is unhealthy.
"Watch a thinking about" a sweet and calm voice broke my train of thought, I looked at her as she giggled. "You know"I said wiggling my eyebrows up and down. We both laughed and made a whole lot of noise. However that was broken by the front doors being opened loudly. We both looked towards them and a group of figures walked into the school. Chris. His hair was slightly in his face and his eyes met mine. I saw something in them but I couldn't tell what.I looked around his face and noticed a few bruises and cuts, similarly , Lysander had a few gashes and bruises around his face. I looked to Venus and saw her grey eyes were fixated on Lysander. I chuckled and went back to looking at Chris. Damn I thought to myself. He kinda looked hot beaten up. My eyes looked up and down his body as the two figures separated from the group of guys. "Hey"

Chris POV

I looked towards Aleks and looked at her. She was staring at me and I don't think she even noticed. I chuckled slightly to myself yet the gash on my check made me stop quickly due tot the pain."hey I said as I walked up to her, I stood next to her and leaned up against the wall. She said nothing yet she looked at me in a way I wasn't familiar too.

Aleks POV

"Alright, since you four decided to have a rally during lesson you are going to have to put up with the consequences.Alright Miss Quinn, Miss Jones I realise you weren't involved but you were out of lesson.As for you too, Mr Ross and Mr Ross were in a fight. In addition I advice you two to keep your family feuds out of school." I turned to Venus and saw her expression was just as surprised as mine. They were brothers I thought to myself. My mind raced with questions as the principal started talking again."Seeing as no one wants to handle this event I shall give it to you. You must set up this charity dance by next month. Don't disappoint me or else." "Now go" the principal added on. Great I thought to myself. We all walked out and started heading to the class room we were allocated. This was going to be hell.

Chris POV
We all walked into the classroom and took a seat. Venus took out the preparation sheets as I leaned back in the chair. I glanced at Aleks and noticed she was looking my way. I smirked at her and she looked away to the side.

After a while we all got allocated an area to work in. I got invitations and leaflets, fun. I started writing a few key facts we need and tried some designs out. That's when she did it. She bent down to pick up her pencil. Fuck I thought feeling my me member wake up. I tried to adjust but it wouldn't do. I needed her. I tapped her on the shoulder and walked out of the classroom. She followed me. Before she knew it I pinned her up to the wall."you can't do that during class Missy, or else you'll have to get punished." I smirked as I leaned in for a kiss. Her lips moved with mine and she didn't hold back. We wanted each other. We needed each other. I licked her bottom lip for entrance and she gave it to me willingly. Damnit I'll make her make me fight for it. My tongue danced with hers as our tongues explored each others mouths. Our lust flew through us like fireworks and our desires were clear. I pressed my leg against her thigh. My member hard as stone. I grinded slightly and slowly. My member was against her thigh now and she knew she made me this way. She knew I'd have to take care of it. Her hands swept through my hair as she pulled at it slightly. She was drunk of my lust. We both were.

Lysander POV
They've been out there for a while I thought to myself. I better go check , I stood up but before I could leave a voice beckoned me to stay."leave them, there's no point"I turned to look at the honey coloured hair girl as she looked up at me. "There gonna be at it for a while probably" she said in her sweet voice.I sat back down"what that noise?" I said as I looked around to find the source. She looked at me "I think it'd better if we don't find out, to be honest I don't think you'd want to know" she looked at me and I looked at her. Oh I thought as I realised what she meant. Great.

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