The 'living'

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Nature. Something we take for granted and don't pay much attention. Nature lives all around us but goes unnoticed. As if it were invisible. But not completely, we know it's there, we know it lives but we don't pay attention to it. A mere accessories that doesn't need to be worried about. Yet we live through them. We breath the oxygen they provide us, they store all our harmful emission and try clean the air. They keep us alive. They keep us going. They are why we are alive yet we don't thank them. We pollute our world even more without thinking about the consequences and while nature tries its best to help we sit here adding to the problem without resolving it. We all know deep in our minds what we do is hurting nature. We know that one day it'll get worse. Yet we push it aside waiting for someone else to clean it up for us. Lysander, that's my name and I work in an eco friendly coffee shop in seven dials. Its a nice quite place and well its peaceful to say the least. I'm going to Bhasvic college and well I guess I can't really judge it till I experience it but let's just say if something didn't get in my way I could've gone to Oxford or Cambridge. If I could've just ignored the obstacle. But I guess I'm just too much of a softy. Maybe not softy but I guess I care about people too much. I always do.

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