Chapter 29

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My mum's room was unbelievably luxurious. I looked around in awe at the king sized bed and the balcony with a breath taking view of LA. We wandered towards the living room which had a flat screen tv and large arm chairs and couches. It must of cost my mum a fortune to sign herself up here. Then again, she wasn't particularly struggling for money.

"Gemma, good to finally see you," my mum pulled Gemma into a hug and squeezed her tight.

She then made her way over to me and gave me a squeeze. I relaxed a little and hugged her back but quickly pulled away and grasped Niall's hand again. I didn't let go of Niall's hand for the rest of the visit.

"And I don't believe we've met," she directed her attention to Niall.

"I'm Niall, Harry's boyfriend. Nice you meet you Anne," Niall leaned in and gave my mum a friendly peck on the cheek.

"Nice to meet you as well," my mum smiled, then glanced over at me to give me a look saying "good job". I could tell she immediately liked Niall more than Zayn.

"Why are you here mum?" I blurted out. I hated to bring down the mood but I needed my mum to answer the questions that hadn't left my mind since I discovered she was in rehab.

"Harry," she sighed, sitting down on the leather couch, "you have to know that your father's-stepfathers," she corrected herself, "death wasn't easy for me."

I sat down on the couch across from her, nodding to what she had said.

"It-it just seemed like the solution at the time," she looked down at her feet.

"What did?" I pressed.

"Harry," she choked out almost inaudibly, "I'm an alcoholic."

I felt terrible for her. Not only for that, but for being so rude to her. But a part of me didn't want to be forgiving. Nothing stopped me from furiously questioning her.

"How could you not tell me?" I shouted.

Niall gave me a pleading look to stop.

"Harry calm down!" Gemma shouted back at me as she sat down beside my mum.

"I can't calm down! My own mother neglected to tell me she was an alcoholic and I had to find out through an email! You told her," I pointed a finger at my sister, "and not me?" 

Niall tightened his grip on my hand again. But this time it wasn't to tell me it was okay. It was to tell me to shut my mouth. But I didn't listen.

"Do you know what it's like to find out your own mother is in rehab from an email? And not only that, but find out you were the last person to hear about it? I'm your son!" I breathed heavily, feeling that the vein in my forehead was popping out obscenely. 

"Harry-" my mum tried to put an end to my outburst. 

"Do you have any idea what I've been through? My boyfriend left me in the middle of the night, one of my best friends is dead! And then finding out I didn't even cross your mind when you put yourself in here," I scoffed out a rude laugh, "well that was just the fucking cherry on top of a great year."

"Stop," Niall hissed a warning in my ear.

"Harry!" my mum said sternly, finally getting me to shut my mouth, "you are a very caring person. Unbelievably caring. And I know how you get can when you're worried. I just needed some time to myself, to recover. It's not like I could forget about my own child!" she said fondly with a hint of disproval to actions.

"Wait, you didn't want me to know you were in rehab because you thought I'd care for you too much?" I questioned.

"I've seen you do it," Niall mumbled, a smirk crossing his face.

"They don't want a lot of people trying to help us outside," my mum began to explain herself.

"No, mum. It's okay," I stopped her, "I thought you didn't want me to know because you didn't want to see me or something. I'm so sorry," I felt embarrassed for what a scene I created.  

"Oh honey, no. I would never refuse a visit from you," my mum placed a hand on her heart.

I breathed out a laugh. A laugh at myself for getting worked up thinking my mum hated me.

"You're going to be okay?" I asked, just to be sure.

My mum nodded. "I'm out of here in a few weeks."

"I'm glad you're getting help," Gemma rubbed her arm, smiling proudly.

"So Niall," my mum quickly changed the subject, "how did you and Harry meet?"

I bit my lip nervously. I realized I had accidentally brought my boyfriend to be interrogated by my mother and my sister. I had no worries that my family wouldn't love Niall, I just felt guilty having them put him on the spot like that.

"Harry works with my roommate Louis," Niall began to explain, "and he came along with him to one of my shows."

"Shows?" Gemma seemed taken aback, "are you like, famous or something?"

"Ah, no. I just sing a few nights at a club," Niall blushed.

"Harry you never told me you had a job," my mum then turned the attention to me.

"Oh yeah, I just work at a diner sometimes to help out. It's no big deal," I still couldn't let my mum know I lost my inheritance.

"Well Niall, you seem like a very nice young man. Much nicer than that boyfriend Harry used to have that stabbed someone," my mum exclaimed.

The colour immediately drained from Niall's face and he swallowed thickly.

"What?" my mum must have noticed Niall's reaction, "did I say something wrong?"

"Uh, actually," I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, "Niall is the person Zayn stabbed."

My mum and Gemma both clapped a hand over their mouths.

"Oh my goodness!" my mum gasped, "I am so sorry."

"It's fine. Really," Niall assured her, "thank you though. For accepting me."

"As long as Harry's happy, I'm happy," my mum beamed.

I let out a harsh breath. She was lying. I was happily in a relationship before and she still didn't accept him. However, she was right about Zayn in the end so I was beyond happy to finally have her approval.

My mum glanced at the clock on the wall and got up from her seat.

"I actually have a session starting now so I have to be going. I'll see you a few more times before you go?"

Gemma and I nodded before getting up and kissing her goodbye.

I walked down the hall, fingers still linked with Niall's, with so much weight lifted off my shoulders. We caught an elevator alone without my sister watching us and I leaned back against the wall in relief.

"It was all okay," I breathed out.

"I told you it would be," Niall's eyes crinkled at the corners from the smile across his face.

"Thank you so much for being there for me. I love you so much."

"I love y-"

I interrupted Niall by pressing my lips against his. He gently kissed me back until the elevator door dinged and opened. We quickly pulled away and strolled out to the car. Maybe I could enjoy this trip after all.



My friend said the picture reminded her of the part when they got back together so I did a thing


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