Chapter 35

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It came as no surprise to me when I got fired. Besides the fact that I took an unannounced 3 week vacation after having weeks off, it wouldn't be very hard to find someone to wash dishes. I still didn't really understand why they couldn't just buy a machine to do my job anyways.

I worked my last shift with Louis' replacement. His name was Calum and he told me all about how he was washing dishes to pay for school but what he really wanted to do was tour the world with his band.

"We've been together since high school," he continued babble on.

I didn't mind him doing most of the talking. It's not like I had much to tell him anyways.

"Luke over there is in it, he plays guitar," he motioned over to the boy in the kitchen. So that was Luke.

"Along with my mates Ashton and Michael. Did I ever tell you about when Michael got set up on a blind date?"

I shook my head and laughed under my breath. I had been talking to him for not even an hour and he already had to ask if he had told me stories before.

"Okay, he got set up to go on a date with some guy that Ashton knows. And like, he doesn't normally do the whole "dating" thing. So he finally agrees to go on this date, and this guy is already so much older than him, well like four years, anyways, he agrees-"

I chuckled lightly at how scatterbrained Calum was.

"And then he is preparing himself to go out for dinner, and the guy texts him and asks him to come earlier. So he freaks out and gets Ashton, Luke, and myself to come over-"

I furrowed my brow. The names were starting to sound vaguely familiar.

"And so we come over and he starts yelling about what to wear and where they're supposed to be going on their date now. And so we get him ready and he goes to this guys apartment-"

"Oh my god," I muttered.

"I haven't even gotten to the good part yet," Calum stifled a giggle.

I felt a pang in my chest. I had hardly realized how important this date might have been to Michael.

"-and this guy opens the door and asks him why he's there and says he's this guys boyfriend. So Michael practically runs away and oh my god," he laughs, "how could Ashton not know this guy had a boyfriend!"

"Yeah," I laughed unconvincingly.

"He said this guy was totally intimidating too. Like tall, tattoos, dark clothes, like totally fit."

I smiled to myself modestly.

"But anyways, he's gone on loads of dates now I think he's over it."

I let out a relaxed sigh. At least I didn't deter him from dating all together.

The night dragged on but the clock finally struck 11 and I went to hang up my apron for the last time.

"It's sad to see you go," someone I had never spoken to patted me on the shoulder as he walked by.

"I'm going to miss you," a waitress pretended to pout as she walked past me only causing me to roll my eyes.

"First we lose Louis and now we lose you," Luke came up to me and slung an arm around my shoulder, "it's going to be downright boring here."

I looked up and him, god he was tall.

"I think I'm actually going to miss it. Wasn't the same without Louis around anyways," I shrugged, "or Liam."

Luke pulled me in tighter with his arm which I think was an attempt at a hug. He let go of me and I nodded my head at Ed before pushing through the glass doors.

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