Chapter 1

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Living on the borders of the Shire, in the small human town of Bree a young Dwelf was waitressing at the Prancing pony earning what money she could to support her father and herself. Every day was the same, she would get up in the cold hours of the morning make breakfast for her father and spared what she could for herself, then tendered to their old pony and prepared for work. The town was poor and was no forgiving site to any nobleman that enjoyed the comforts of their huge houses and castles. But there she lived alone with her father who was slowly weakening from old age, earning the amounts a nobleman who earn in a second, in a week.

Until one day, she was working late; hours after her shift should have ended. It was raining and it was noisy enough with all the drunken people laughing and shouting at one another. She was clearing the tables off, being the height of a dwarf many would run into her and knock down plates.

"Watch it lassie!" they would laugh at her, she would only glare, and she had the stubbornness of a dwarf. But she didn't look like one, more like a very short elf.  No one would take her seriously.

On that particular night she ran into someone again, her plates and cups falling to the floor. 

"Oh for heaven's sake" she waited expecting the stranger to tell her off but instead they leant down to help pick up the plates. "Terribly sorry, I'm just so tired and it's so crowded in here..." she stood up to look the person in the face, but to her surprise they were the same height as her. It can't be a hobbit... It had to be a dwarf! The dwarf removed his hood to show a young face with long black hair and beard with piercing blue eyes. 

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