Chapter 10

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It all changed that night though, it was cold, very cold, and Freya had packed not warm enough at all, she snuggled into her coat on the rag that she protested to be her bed roll. She was so under packed, most the company didn't notice but one, someone had had their watch on her all day and now right this night and it wasn't Gandalf. Freya gave up from her spot and moved in closer to the fire with just her cloak wrapped around her leaving her other supplies behind and sat near the flame. The fire gave off some heat but she was still shaking violently. She felt a thud on her back, a fur coat over the top of her own, she looked up to see whose fur coat it was and held her breath as Fili came and sat down next to her.

"You looked cold" he spoke softly, trying not to wake the rest of the company who was asleep.

 "Yes I was a bit; I'm under packed. But that's my problem". She went to hand the coat back to Fili but he pushed it back. "I don't want you getting cold for the sake of my inability to pack properly." She said sternly. There goes her dwarf blood, Fili thought it was teasing.

"Well then I guess we should share. If it seems the only agreement we can make" he moved in closer to her until their shoulders and hips were a centimetre apart and Fili wrapped the fur coat around the two of them. It fitted perfectly as if it were made for two. Freya could feel Fili's warmth on her side and the fire on her front, finally stopped shaking, unless the little quivers when Fili moved next to her. The pair sat there not much of a word was spoken but they stared into the mesmerising flame. Fili decided enough silence.

"You said you're from Bree?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, it's a small human town on the borders of the Shire" she explained. "I moved there with my adoptive father after..." she paused "after Smaug desolated Dale, I was just a baby". Fili put his hand on her shoulder, Freya shook at the touch.

"I was there too" Freya looked over to him; he still had his hand on her shoulder "a baby like you, we then retreated to the Blue Mountains and I have lived there ever since".

"That's a long way, from Erebor, your home" Freya said sadly.

"So are you from Dale" he murmured leaning in closer to her. "When we reclaim Erebor you can come back and live there, with me and we can finally return to our home..." She looked at him causing their faces to only be inches apart, their noses nearly touching. Freya could feel Fili's hot breath on her skin, sending a wave of pleasure down her spine. Never had she felt this way before, or for someone at that, she and Fili seemed to click, he felt the same way. Freya leaned in daring to get closer, eyes partly shut, and Fili had the same idea and began to lean in closer until their noses touched. Fili lifted his hand to place it upon her cheek, it was soft to touch, he looked longingly into her eyes, wanting, desire.

"Ehem" Fili and Freya parted to look up at a dark figure. It was Thorin. "Fili you are on first watch, Freya you should get some rest we have a long walk tomorrow and I don't want you to slow us down..." he walked away.

"Bring your bed roll over here by me, you'll be warmer by the fire" Fili said softly Freya got up and collected her rug to sit beside Fili who had to keep watch. "Sleep" he said Freya obeyed and rested her head upon the ground snuggling up in her cloak or at least trying to get all the warmth she could out of it. 

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