Chapter 5

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It was the night before she was expected to arrive in Hobbiton. She decided it best if she went through the night. She packed her spare clothes, her bow and arrow, (in which she often practiced shooting at targets or hunting rabbits for food), some food she had bought with the last of the money and other precious objects trying not to pack too much for the journey.

She ran out the door grabbing her cloak and wrapping it around her body, she jumped onto her old pony Lipton and trotted off down the street taking one last look at her home.

She reached the outside of the prancing pony, her eyes locking themselves on a very drunk looking Butterbur.

"Freya!" he called stumbling over. "You're meant to be on shift tonight where are you going?"

"On a quest!" she yelled excitedly "And I probably won't come back!"

"A quest?!" he yelled, but she was gone.

She travelled through the night, in debt to her pony that funnily enough had great night vision. She dozed off now and again wrapping her cloak more tightly around her to keep warm, her brown boots keeping the cold air out from her feet. The travel was long and it wasn't until the first light of day crept into view lighting up the landscape around her. She knew she was in the shire, green rolling hills and little houses with round doors appearing everywhere, smoke puffing out of their chimneys.

The road and paths became busy again with hobbits going for walks and gardening or enjoying the much leisure of the morning. I wish I lived here. She thought to herself, it was so much more pleasant than the drunken muddy streets of Bree. Hobbits began noticing her and would smile and nod their heads, some even a bit curious of what she was and many of the children would stop and stare as they ran pass, many admiring her pony. They were truly very curious creatures but so gentle, Freya couldn't help but fall in love with the place.  

However long the trip was through the Shire, Freya enjoyed and it seemed to quicken the time, by mid-afternoon she had reached Hobbiton. Round, green door, strange mark, Bag End, very helpful... She thought as she looked around. This was going to be hard. She tied Lipton to a tree, just near the edge of the town, so she wouldn't draw too much attention to herself. She was also curious when she saw some more ponies about four tied up further into the forest. That must be the rest of the company. She started making her way down the path that lead into the town, eyeing off each door as she went on, so she got the right one.

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