Chapter 4

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Part 2

Fili and Freya could not be separated. After the company left the safe haven of Rivendell, Fili would do anything to protect her from the dangers that they faced ahead. But one thing was for sure, in the end Fili would have to face his fears and tell his uncle Thorin about his partner…

Dewey eyed and sleepless the company trudged on through the cold, night. After sneaking off from Rivendell, as per Gandalf’s consent, the company wondered through pitch black up a steep mountain side. They were heading deeper into the mountains, feeling the evil watching them as they walked.

Freya cold and tired was wearing Fili’s spare coat over the top of her clothes. She knew she should have packed warmer clothes. The pair walked side by side, catching and holding one another every time the other slipped or stumbled. However dangerous the mountain side was Freya couldn’t feel anything but safe by Fili’s side. Kili trudged along behind them trying not to comment on anything the couple did, and secretly shipping them at the same time. Fili turned around to check on his little brother:

“You’re quiet Kili” he puffed out with his breathe “Everything ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine, bit cold but fine” Fili smiled back at his brother and then turned back around to continue walking. Even though he cared a lot for Freya Kili was still his brother and he loved him. Of course Freya respected this entirely; she thought the two of them were very sweet.

“Does he want your coat?” she started removing Fili’s cost from her body.

“Oh no, no I’m fine” Kili blurted out with all his breath. Fili and Freya turned around with confusion. Kili was watching and listening in to everything to everything they did and said, didn’t really surprise them though. The two just looked at each other and smiled.

“What?!” exclaimed Kili.

“Nothing” Fili replied with a laugh.

“Kili!” Thorin called out to the young dwarf. “Come scout ahead” Kili immediately obeyed and ran to the front with his Uncle. The light was just appearing from the other side of the mountain, morning had come. Already the warmth of the sun warmed up the company and it was easier to see. Fili stared ahead of the company towards his Uncle who had turned around to look at him. Fili knew what his Uncle was implying.

“Freya…” she turned towards Fili “I know this might seem strange to ask you this now but ar… are we… how are you seeing us as um… are we you know… serious?” Freya seemed puzzled by this remarked but smiled and simply said.

“What do think we are?” Fili didn’t know how to respond to this remark.

“Well you see, the thing is that, Thorin is my uncle and…” Freya nodded her head trying to see where this was going “and he is the heir of the throne of Erebor…” more nodding “and well if something happens to him, I’m next in line” he stopped to see Freya’s expression she smiled “I need to tell him about us because you see, it is tradition in Dwarf customs that the father or King chooses the partner for the next…” Freya seemed confused.

“That’s not very fair” she said.

“I know but I have to follow them, I already failed in the courting custom!” the two smiled and Freya bowed her head in understandingly.

“So what can I do?” she paused “To help or is there some customs I need to follow?” Fili looked at her surprised.

“So you accept my proposal?” he looked at her with disbelief.

“Yes” she plainly said with a smile. Fili was beside himself. “But I think you should consent with your Uncle first…” she finished. Fili panicked, how was he meant to confess to his Uncle this, he has the emotional span and understanding of a toothbrush. But he knew he had to, for Freya.

“Everything ok?” she said. “You look a bit worried…”

“No, no I’m fine it’s just, Thorin is hard to talk to or persuade, but don’t worry he’ll understand” Freya gave off a weak smile and looked ahead, she hoped more than anything she could be with Fili.

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