Chapter 7

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It was a while before all of the dwarves had seated down around the table. Freya found herself squished between Kili and a dwarf named Gloin. She kept hearing Kili talking to Fili about switching seats but she ignored it. It was crowded and Gandalf had shown up but where was Thorin? She looked down at the table to see it filled with lots of food. Her tummy grumbled and she couldn't help but feast, she hadn't had much food in a long time. She even dug into the ale, trying not to get too drunk though through all the excitement. It was chaos. Food was being thrown everywhere, ale spilling down their chins, Freya couldn't help but laugh along with all the enjoyment, it was like being at the prancing pony but happier and she wasn't doing all the hard work.

Kili suddenly turned around looking a bit too happy.

"My brother thinks your cute!" he spoke with bits of food and ale coming out of his mouth, Freya turned away disapprovingly.

"You're drunk Kili! Don't talk such nonsense!" she couldn't help but blush.

"Nah, he told me like as, five minutes after he saw you!" she gave off a disapproving look.

"You're drunk Kili, go home!" she laughed, she had always wanted to try that.

"Nah" more food came out towards her and she narrowly missed a flying tomato. "He does" he gave her a wink and turned away. Freya sat there confused but happy, it was fun. She looked over the Fili who was sitting opposite Kili and she had a moment of eye contact with him. He wasn't as drunk as his brother but he was happy and laughing, she found it kind of cute.

"Here Fili!" she heard Kili call out to her brother "Swap ya seats I want to talk to Bombur!" Being slightly drunk Fili obliged not really knowing what his brother was up to. The two swapped places knocking over food and drinks, Freya picked up plate and held it away.

"Thankyou" said Gloin who took it and Frisbee throwed it to Bombur, who was finishing off all the food. Freya sat there laughing, not a care in the world, when she felt a light thud on the chair beside her she turned to see Fili there. He turned looking half dazed then turning a bit red when he saw Freya smiling at him, he smiled back and then slowly turned around to look at Kili.

"What?" Kili asked with a tease, Fili shook his head and hit his brother hard in the arm. "Ow!" Kili yelled. "It's for your own good" he spat. Fili rolled his eyes and looked back at the table. Noticing Freya looking at him curiously he decided he should make conversation with her.

"Um so where are you from?" he asked trying to make conversation through the loud racket that was throughout the dining room.

"Bree, just on the border!" she yelled back. "Where are you from?"

"The Blue Mountains!" he called back the two laughing through the noise.

"Quite a party we're having!" Freya spoke through the noise.

"Yeah, give dwarves ale and food and a small room and this is the outcome!" Freya laughed, really loudly and gave off a little snort. She quickly covered it up with her hands and blushed. She has never snorted before or even laughed properly at that. Sadly Fili heard it and started laughing which made Freya laugh even more.

"Oh my stomach!" she cried through happy tears. "I think I need air!" Fili laughed and nodded.

"Me too, come on!" the two crept round the seats and passed Gandalf as Kili watched on with his devilish grin.

"They're so into each other!" he exclaim to Bombur who was stuffing his mouth with food and agreeing at the same time.

Fili and Freya finally pushed through free from the dining room and into the hall. Freya took a deep breath in still chuckling at the same time, clutching her stomach and wiping the tears away. She stood up to face Fili who was also having trouble breathing as well still looking at Freya and laughing at her state. She smirked at him and said.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to laughing so I haven't snorted before, that was so uncalled for" she laughed.

"No, no it was quite funny!" Fili said trying to regain control over his speech. Freya gave him a small punch on the arm. The two stood there still regaining control over their breathing. "You have a..." he reached out and pulled a piece of lettuce from her hair. He blushed slightly and quickly tossed the lettuce away.

"You have some sauce, right there..." she pointed to the spot on her face and Fili tried getting it off his, missing every time, Fili gave up and with a sigh Freya got her thumb and spread the sauce away.

"I was close..." he said smiling.

"Not even" Freya laughed "It was almost like you were missing it on purpose..." the sentence trailed off and Fili looked away in shame, Freya looked at him confused and he looked back and walked off to help Ori with his dish. Freya watched on in wonder as the dwarves began to sing tossing dishes and cutlery everywhere.

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