Chapters 11 & 12 - Part 1

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Hey everyone!

Now as you probably have noticed Chapters 11 and 12 of part 1 are private, this was an accident! SO SORRY! Anyway I will post them both here so you don't miss out on any plot line hopefully you see this in time!

Thanks Ellie M

Chapter 11

It was a restless sleep for her and Fili noticed. She would chuck little spasms and shivers every now and then and try to move more comfortably. Fili was worried, she wasn't resting, and she was restless. He laid his cloak on her to see it would help but instead it gave her a shock and she shot up crying.

"No..." she looked around and turned to see Fili who was watching her. "Sorry, bad dream..." she said.

"I could tell, I was worried" Fili replied "So I put my coat on you to see if it would help, but it scared you".

"Sorry, I was falling and I felt myself hit the ground..."

"Shhh, it's ok," Fili said calmly. Freya calmed down and looked around the camp.

"It must be nearly dawn" Freya shivered from the cold. "It has to be"

"Not yet passed midnight" Fili answered.

"I will never get to sleep out here" she moved to sit close to Fili so she could get some warmth. "I will stay and watch with you" she decided.

"No, no, no... you need to sleep" he said trying to push her down gently but she wouldn't budge.

"No it's fine really" she said as she wrapped her blanket around herself and snuggled into it, trying to get what warmth she could get from the fire and Fili at that. But the smouldering coals let off some smoke that made Freya's eyes sore from tiredness and she yawned, covering the blanket to her mouth so Fili wouldn't notice but before she could stop herself, she laid back onto a soft warm surface. Not bothering to find out what it was she drifted into a pleasant sleep.

Freya had fallen asleep on Fili, he chuckled slightly at the peaceful body that now lied against his chest, and he popped a quick kiss down onto the top of her head, trying not to wake her. He nudged Kili whose turn it was to do night watch, Kili stirred and sat up, amused from the sight of seeing Freya sleeping on Kili. Fili shot him a look of don't you dare tell anyone, but Kili only winked back. Ignoring his brother Fili then rested himself down so he was flat on his back. Kili moved off to watch from another part of the camp. Fili gently played with the golden curls of Freya's head, she was so peaceful and her warmth was spreading onto his body. The two were snuggled up into each other, and he could feel Freya move to make herself more comfortable, moving her legs next to his to get the warmth through her full body and they slept. Freya not knowing the shock she was going to get at first light.

Chapter 12

 The sunlight woke Freya up that morning, bright and glowing red. She eased herself up comfortably forgetting the events of what happened last night only noticing that she had a decent night sleep. She noticed the company were not all awake yet so she thought a few more minutes wouldn't hurt her. She rested her down onto surface that felt like a pillow. Wait, what is this pillow. She sat up slowly and saw a sleeping Fili. What have you done? Trying to get up without waking the dwarf she slowly stood up but a hand grabbed her arm. Busted. The grip of the hand pulled her back down towards Fili, he wasn't asleep.

"Don't move, please, you're keeping me warm" he voice was soft but Freya could hear the tease in his voice.

"Fili, I don't know what to say..." he opened his eyes "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you, but you..." she paused to think about what she was going to say but her dwarven stubbornness got the better of her. "You're so comfortable and warm" she blurted out louder than she wished.

"So are you..." Fili teased again, still looking like he was asleep. Freya looked down at him; he was still lying there, shivering a bit from the cold. Freya couldn't help but pity him and she lied down again next to him. Oh how she missed the warmth already. She couldn't help but comfortably curl up next to him and to her surprise Fili seemed to cuddle her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight, awkward it may have been but Freya felt warm and safe. The two lay there for another hour or two, they lost track of time.

They woke to find the company waking up and preparing breakfast, lots of them sitting by the fire and staring across at the two they sat up gave a quick smile at each other and shuffled away. Kili was cackling himself to Ori, who was looking at them as if he was watching some romantic play. It was awfully off putting. Kili shot that same wink to Freya. God damn that wink, he probably thinks he has won matchmaker of the year award. Freya rolled her eyes at the thought. Fili and her were, friends not even they had only just met but then somehow she felt like she has known him all her life, that's how it feels anyway.


Once they were packed they set off back on the road. Freya quite relaxed and not as sore as some of the other company members appeared to be, after all she had an excellent night sleep, Fili wasn't looking so bad either. The trip turned out better than the last one Freya rode by Bilbo again, finding out more about the Shire that she grew so fond of after her travel to Bilbo's home and telling him about her life in Bree with her father.

"The Shire has definitely proven itself more peaceful than Bree" Freya stated "The Green Dragon must be much nicer to work at then the Prancing Pony".

"Yes indeed" Bilbo replied "When all of this is over, you can come and visit me sometime". Freya smiled at his offer; it would be nice to go back there, if she made the rest of the journey alive that is.

To Freya's surprise for one part of the trip she was called up to the front to ride beside Thorin. She took a deep breath as she rode up towards him, not knowing what to expect.

"Ah Freya, Fili seems to have realised that you are a bit under packed for the journey, well not just him but most of the company, including myself..." he paused.

"Well yes I seem to have, but to be honest there wasn't much I could take in the first place..." she explained.

"Very well, that is not your fault, however I am curious to know your weapon of choice?" he looked at her waiting for an answer.

"Weapon, yes I have brought my bow and arrows, but that's all I have..."

"No sword or axe?" Freya shook her head.

"Look I do not doubt you Freya, but I recommend testing your skills with your bow; Kili shall give lessons, for I am too busy myself..." Kili? Really? "We will face many challenges and danger on this trip, but you will be fine" and with that he rode ahead to scout for a place to camp for the night.

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