Chapter 6

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Finally at the very top of a hill she found what she was looking for. A round, green door with a mark, it had to be it. She walked up to knock and she could hear voices inside of about three people, on who didn't sound pleased at all. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"No, no more dwarves!" she heard from inside. She stepped back a bit, the door was opened by a very flushed looking Hobbit.

"Evening..." she said softly "Is this the right place?"

"Nope sorry it's not goodbye" he was about to shut the door when a dwarf with a long white beard came up from behind.

"Ah," he said "You must be Freya please come in" Freya walked in to the house and the hobbit shut the door with frustration. The dwarf turned to Freya. "Balin, at your service"

"Freya at yours" she replied, taking her coat off.

"How many more of you are coming?" the hobbit asked Balin. He ignored him and introduced the hobbit to Freya.

"Freya, this is Bilbo Baggins" Freya smiled and nodded at Bilbo who walked away into the kitchen.

"Am I at the right place?" she asked Balin.

"Yes, yes of course, it's just no one told Bilbo" Freya looked confused at this remark "Come I will introduce you to my brother Dwalin!" and he lead her into the dining room "Take a seat near the end or we will never fit everyone in."

"Everyone?" Bilbo was about to ask but another knock came from the door. He turned in a huff. Freya could hear the conversation they were having from the door.


"And Kili"

"At your service" Again Freya could hear the hobbit protesting against them but once again faced defeat. Before she knew it two young dwarves stood at the door way of the dining room, one imparticular catching her eye.

"Fili, Kili this is Freya Elmay" Balin announced the two took a bow and Freya smiled back. How funny dwarves were with introducing themselves.

"I'm Kili" the brunette brother introduced himself.

"And I'm Fili" the blonde (handsome) one announced, he had gone a bit red and quickly looked away from Freya, who happened to feel a bit flushed as well. 

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