Chapter 8

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Fili's POV

We were woken by Thorin yelling at us to wake-up. My eyes shot open watching as the company started to stir.

"Get up!" Thorin yelled again. I watched in horror as the sand in the middle of the floor started to sink. I immediately looked to Freya, she stirred slightly.

"Freya, Freya you need to wake-up now!" I told her shaking her slightly.

"Huh, what, Fili?" she murmured. she was awake thank goodness. I smiled down at her and the last thing I saw was her beautiful blue eyes, shoot open. I felt my self fall, I looked down to see the floor disappear before me. I hear the company cry out. I grabbed on the Freya as we tumbled down a tunnel of darkness.

I felt Freya cling onto me as we plummeted down the tunnel. In different circumstances this could be quite amusing but since we are sliding down to our potential dooming it wasn't.

It was like flying except I knew there was going to be a more permanent destination.

I was right. The cries muffled into moans as soon as we hit the solid ground. I was still holding Freya in my arms.

"Fili, what on earth is going on! Where are we?" she panicked, holding onto me tighter.

"No idea, but stay close" I said popping a quick kiss onto her head. We were in some kind of cage, stacked upon each other.

"Move!" Thorin yelled.

Loud screeches rang throughout the cave.

"Goblins" one of the dwarfs yelled. I looked up from our pile and sure enough as huge group of goblins were running towards us, clawing at us and pulling us down from our pile and grabbing us vigorously and passing us among themselves.

"Get off me!" I yelled as one tried to pull me away. I kicked it's filthy face square on and it screeched menacingly. I felt myself being pulled again but it wasn't by a goblin.

"Fili!" I heard Freya cry as she was torn away from me. "Get your filthy hands off!" She screamed a she elbowed one off the side. 'That's my girl' I thought smugly.

Third Person

"Don't struggle they're half-wits!" Thorin ordered. Reluctantly the company calmed down and allowed the goblins to move them through this enormous cave system. They were taken over wooden bridges, most that honestly could have seen better days and the sides plummeted down into the dark abyss.

They could see ahead, a brightly lit hall area. Situated on a huge platform was an enormous throne, there seated was a huge goblin, the king probably.

Freya's POV

Talk about needing a diet. This Goblin King was also a terrible singer.

"Deep down in Goblin town" the purpose of this song was quite frankly very unclear. So I came to a conclusion we were in this place called 'Goblin town' (very creative) and this giant goblin was the king I presume.

He jumped down from his throne and honestly I thought the platform was going to break underneath him.

Fili was standing next to me I caught his eye and he smirked slightly. I knew he was thinking the same thing. He took my hand in his and gave me a reassuring look. I smiled slightly back, if this was going to be the end I wanted to be with him for it.

"Who dares be so bold to come armed into me Kingdom?" the goblin king spoke, eyeing us and less the conversation continued. I felt myself getting tired, I was hoping I wouldn't black out again like I presume I did earlier. Speaking of which I still have no idea how we got here. Next thing you know we were about to be killed, not that it is a surprise really.

"Kill them, kill them all. Bring me his head!" the goblin king cried. I felt myself being pushed around yet again. When there was a bright flash of light and the goblins were flown off the side and I hit the ground hard. I felt Fili collapse beside me.

"Take up arms! Fight!" It was Gandalf, once again our lives lay in his dept and thank god for that to. We grabbed our weapons and followed Gandalf down along the path once more, slaying goblins as we did.

"Here we go again" Fili laughed beside me.

"Indeed" I replied.

Sorry if this is kind of rushed... but I wanted it to get over and done with anyway next part will be out soon. There will probably be a little time lapse as well so yeah. Please vote and comment!

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