Chapter 1

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One month later

The company settled down finally after much argument over staying at Rivendell, with elves, who of which they were not very fond of.

Freya had finally had the chance to bathe after a week of walking. Being the only girl in the company made it uncomfortable for her to bathe in front of the others. She went down to the water's edge, blanket in hand, and checked her surroundings. She was a fair way from the main city and out in the forest. Thick shrubs and trees surrounded her spot in the river, so she took the risk and started taking the layers of clothes off. The water was cool to touch as she dipped her big toe in the water, a shiver running up her spine. She walked slower into the deep water cautiously examining her surroundings, she slowly sunk in allowing the water to surround her body and she went under. The water was cold, very cold, and it gave her a headache when her head went under. She rise out of the water and lent across the bank of the river, still under the clear water. Freya was finally at peace, no dwarves running around everywhere and wrestling, finally she could be alone.


Fili and Kili were out in the woods trying their luck to find themselves some meat. All the elves had for them to eat was green food; they needed something to really feed them well. Sadly, they weren't expert hunters.

"Maybe we should have asked one of the others for help" suggested Kili.

"No let's not bother them, more for us" Fili replied.

"What about Freya?" Kili's eyes darted across to Fili alongside a teasing smile. Fili flushed bright red but kept walking pretending he didn't hear him. Kili ran up beside him trying to see his brothers expression so he could tease him some more.

Fili made a sudden stop, sticking his arm out to catch Kili on the way through. Bingo. A deer was eating a shrub in front of them, back turned away from them. Fili gestured to Kili to get his bow out; obediently Kili grabbed his bow and was ready to shoot. Then unexpectedly, Fili's tummy grumbled, really loudly. The deer jumped around to face the oblivious dwarves and bolted.

"Damn you stomach!" Fili yelled and without thinking he chased after the deer, he couldn't give in to his hunger.

"Fili!" Kili yelled but it already seemed faint to Fili's ears. He swerved and ducked under branches and trees. Ahead he saw a river he thought he had the deer for good, but with one last effort the deer jumped over the river and cleared it by a long shot. Fili however didn't with one mighty jump he landed right in the middle of the river, it was freezing. He gasped for air and tried to swim towards the bank looking for something to pull himself up with but instead his eyes connected with another set of deep blue eyes.


Freya was enjoying her time alone in the quiet river. Nothing unexpected was going to happen in this sort of place, comfortably closing her eyes at the thought.


Freya's eyes shot open; even though the voice was faint she knew someone was close. With the most ungraceful get-out-of-the-water-quickly move she grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her exposed body, just when a deer leaped right over her head and onto the other side of the river.

She sat there dripping wet half covered with a blanket watching the deer sprint away and out of view. She was about to get up and head towards her clothes when loud footsteps came near her and deranged yelling got louder. She froze hoping the person would just run right past her.

Well instead they jumped right over the top of her and landed in the river. Freya sat there watching as the person surfaced the water trying to breathe.

"I'm drowning, I'm drowning!" he gasped. Immediately Freya panicked. It was Fili. She had to do something but she didn't want to get back in there naked to save the drowning Prince. In fact the river wasn't even that deep; still she stuck out a thick wooden branch towards him.

"Grab on!" she yelled to Fili. He recognised the voice right away and stopped slashing round in the water and found his feet. There was Freya, dripping wet half covered by a towel. She looked like a mermaid and a very pretty one to Fili's eyes.

She pulled the log back onto the surface still not leaving eye contact with Fili.

The pair sat there for a time just staring, trying to make sense of the situation. When finally Freya spoke:

"Are you ok?" Fili was startled by this sentence and quickly snapped out of his transfixed state.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm fineeee. You?"


They sat there, Fili was out of breath and Freya was shaking from the cold breeze on her wet, bare skin.

"You're cold" Fili pointed out, Freya hadn't noticed but she was violently shaking and huge goose-bumps had developed all over her body. Fili walked over to her cautiously trying not to blush at her bare skin. Freya twitched a bit and went to reach over to her clothes but a hand caught her arm. Fili lent over her body to reach for her clothes. He straightened up, her clothes still in his hands he passed it over to her, blushing slightly at her she smiled and gave off a laugh. Fili felt something strike his heart and before he could stop himself he was leaning in and placing his lips on hers. The pair simultaneously closed their eyes and began moving the heads from side to side. It was gentle and Freya could feel Fili's soft beard against her face and lips.  

*Snap!* A stick just a few metres away from them snapped awakening the silence that was there before. They separated and Fili walked towards the sound as Freya watched gathering up her towel that had loosened from the kissing.

"Ouch!" Fili pulled up by the ear, a naughty Kili.

"Hey Fili let go!" Fili dropped the dwarf.

"Your curiosity will be the death of you brother!" He turned towards Freya.

"Sorry, Kili has a condition..." He started.

"No I don't!'

"That makes him nose around other people's business" Freya looked at the two of them and just shook her head with a smile.

"You two are hopeless!" She laughed.

"Hey!" yelled Kili. Fili smacked his brother against the head.

"Anyway" she giggled "I would sure like to get dressed now if you two wouldn't mind?"

"Yes... yes of course" Replied Fili "...come Kili!"

The two left and Freya just stood their smiling. How bizarre that had been. 

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