Chapter 7

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Fili's POV

Oin hurried over towards us. Freya's head still rested on my lap, her breathing pattern was slow and steady. I was so happy she was alive. The rise and fall of her chest was an indication that she was ok. Oin placed a small bowl of water beside me and soaked a small cloth into the liquid.

"Clean her cuts with this, it will stop any infections and keep her cool..." he gestured to the bowl. "I'm going to find some bandages" he walked away to rejoin the company. I placed my hand on her cheek, it was heating up. 'Fever' I thought. I handled the dripping cloth in my hands squeezing gently. The water was cool as I applied it to her forehead, slowly wiping away the blood. Freya's face seemed to soften as I did. I felt a smile form upon my lips and my gaze lower as I cleaned her face of blood and dirt. Slowly all the stress and hardship of our adventure cleared from her face and the perfection of her face that I saw the first day I met her returned.

I felt someone's eyes on me and I tilted my head to see my uncle looking down at me, arms folded against his chest.

"You really care for her don't you?" he asked no emotion on his face. I looked up with a small smile.

"Yes, I'd die for her" I said confidently, it was the truth. Thorin nodded his head slowly before speaking again.

"Fili, don't forget that you are the heir to the throne after me. If something shall happen to me you are next in line. You can't put your life out like that for the sake of one girl!" his voice turned into a shout at the end, silencing the company. I felt furious, how dare he say that. I decided to hit his weak spot.

"Yeah! I bet you wouldn't say the same thing if it was Bilbo's life at stake!" I whispered harshly, clinging onto Freya protectively. Thorin's face softened and he looked away. Bilbo was lying down facing the other way on the other side if the cave. Thorin shot me a look before walking away. I glared at his back, I never normally got this angry with him or anyone before... except orcs and trolls.

My heart clenched as I felt Freya stir slightly beneath me, but she didn't wake. Her eyes stayed shut, lips slightly parting. I couldn't help myself for a taste. I lowered my head and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Someone coughed from beside me. I had almost forgotten about Oin. He stood there bandage in hand.

"I see you have everything under control then" he smirked, I shot him a playful look and he handed me the bandage. "How is she?" he asked.

"Still breathing, temperature..." I felt her forehead. "definately gone down, and she stirred slightly earlier". I looked up at Oin hopefully as he took her pulse.

"She will be ok" he said I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. "for now I suggest you both rest" and he left to rejoin the company.

Kili came a little while after to sit by me.

"How is she?" He asked patting his brother on the back.

"She's alive" I replied with a small smile. Freya's head was still resting on my lap and I was carefully playing with her golden curls. Kili gave a little laugh. "What?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing, it's just I remember when you used to deny it" he said slyly, he gestured towards Freya. I gave him a small punch in the arm.

"Oh shut up" I said smugly.

"Anyway you two should get some rest" he said with a wink.

"Don't you think it's a bit past your bedtime brother?" I replied. Kili wriggled into a sleeping position beside me.

"Yup" he replied sleepily and soon he was fast asleep. I shook my head 'oh brother' I thought. I rested my head against the cave wall not before giving Freya a quick glance and I too was asleep.

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