Chapter 13

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Later that evening Freya was sitting by the fire bow in hand. The courage in her was failing, maybe she didn't have the skill she had, she looked longingly into the fire. Don't screw up.

"Freya," it was Kili "Uncle told me to give you bow lessons, if it's alright I think we should do it before dark". Freya nodded in approval and the two went away from the camp, followed by Fili who insisted on coming to make sure Kili didn't kill her. After a while they found a small clearing. Kili pointed to a stump that sat a few metres away.

"Shoot it," he says "I want to see how you shoot before I help you". Fili sat by keeping a close eye on his brother, and on Freya. She raised her bow and placed the arrow in it, she pulled hard on the string until it reached her ear, eyes still on the stump. So far so good she thought.

Twang. The arrow shot off at a great speed and hit the stump square in the middle. She lowered her bow looking rather pleased with herself and looked over Kili, whose mouth was swung open. Fili looked up with a smile.

"Not bad" he said to her. She smiled at his complement.

"Thanks, I have loads of practice, on rabbits; those stinkers are buggars to catch. But I have had my practice with targets..." Kili closed his mouth.

"Well" he said "Keep going, your technique is as... nearly as good as mine" he boasted.

"Nearly" Freya and Fili spoke at the same time. Making the pair a bit embarrassed.

"She just shot a small stump some metres away right through the middle, on the first go" Fili continued.

"I could do that!" Kili protested and he grabbed his own bow and arrow and aimed at the stump. As he was doing so Fili crept up behind up behind him and pinched his waist. Kili screamed and jumped away sending the arrow towards Freya's direction she jumped down the arrow just flying passed her and it disappeared into the forest. "You can't do that!" Kili turned around and hit his brother hard on the arm. "That doesn't count I want another try!"

"Just as long as you get your aim right this time!" Freya laughed standing up, the brothers had forgotten about her. "That was a close call". Fili punched his brother in his arm.

"You nearly hit Freya!" he yelled.

"It's your fault you grabbed me!" Kili yelled back. The two brothers continued wrestling and cursing at each other.

"Well can't miss good practice time" she started shooting at the stump again, focusing her concentration and trying to ignore the racket the Durin brothers were causing. This lasted a few minutes before Thorin appeared in the clearing to check on the training. The brothers quickly straightened up when Thorin shot them a look.

"How's the practice going?" Kili was the first to reply hastily.

"Great, she is fine, she can handle anything, really uncle" and he quickly headed for the camp. Thorin looked over to the stump at which Freya had been shooting at.

"Impressive, seems you have some skill with a bow". He turned to Fili who was still standing there. "It seems Freya has the bow under control; give her a few sword lessons". Thorin left. Fili got his two swords out and handed one two Freya. It felt heavy but Freya took it easily.

"Have you ever involved yourself in sword play?" he asked, eyes not leaving hers. Freya shook her head; it was true she hadn't, well only with her father out in the backyard with wooden branches. "Ok well it's quite simple, let's start with blocking my swings, it is important that you can defend yourself." He took her through the steps, slowly she started getting the hang of it, her hands becoming rough and sore after a while. She followed Fili's steps closely and after a while they decided to take a break. Even though it was cold, they were both hot from the practice. "Not bad considering that was your first time" he smiled at her.

"Thanks, I used to play those kinds of games with my father when I was little" she looked sadly at him. Fili knew that look straight away.

"You miss him don't you?" Freya nodded her head, she hadn't really thought about him ever since the beginning of the journey.

"It doesn't matter though, anymore, I can't go back because there is nothing for me there anymore." Fili seemed confused by this "he's gone".

"Oh Freya, I'm sorry I didn't know" she just shook her head and smiled. "Kili and I still have our mother; we have someone to go back to"

"I bet you miss her" Fili sighed, "Oh yes, but still we have our Uncle Thorin to go to". The two smiled. "Remember what I said, the other night about you coming to stay with us after we reclaim Erebor?" she nodded and looked at him intently "I really meant it". He put his hand over hers and Freya got that same feeling she got the other night, warmth and protection, something she hadn't felt for a long time, but this time it was stronger. He was looking longingly into her eyes searching for an answer or was it something else? Freya didn't know.

"I would love that" she said plainly, smiling back at him. Fili leant into her, trying to resist the urge but it was too strong before he could stop himself, he kissed her passionately on the lips, Freya kissed back vigorously. The moment was too powerful for the both of them and before they knew it Fili was on top of her, they didn't stop though.        

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