Chapter 10

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Freya's POV

I felt the tears begin to fall once more. My eye sight blinded by the roaring flames of the forest fire. All the hope that once beamed so much in our company had vanished and now all was left was tears and no hope.

That was until the most unlikely of us, Bilbo Baggins, rose from the branches and got to his feet. Sword in hand he marched away into the wall of flame.

I could hear Fili struggling to hold on beside me. He had given me the stronger branch and his was beginning to break. I held out my hand, wrapping my other tightly around the branch.

"Fili grab on!" he shook his head.

"I'm too heavy Freya." he replied sadly. "you'll fall..." tears began to spill down my cheeks now.

"No!" I protested. "Give me your hand, I will pull you up to my branch and then you can go to the trunk". He looked to see what I meant. Reluctantly he took my hand.

"Now don't you dare let go! No matter what!" I instructed sternly.

I pulled him up beside me and he latched onto the same branch.

"Now go to the trunk and help Thorin!" I instructed "Hurry!"

He lifted himself up and soon he stood upon the trunk of the tree. He looked back to me.

"What about you?" he asked worriedly.

"I'll be fine, now go Fili.."

Fili's POV

I looked down the small pathway that had formed down the wall of fire. Bilbo was still making his way down slowly and I could not see Thorin anywhere, I knew he was in danger.

I heard a large crack and a scream. I looked to where Freya had been but I didn't see her.

"Freya!!!" I yelled.

"I'm okay- just a- a bit stuck" I looked down through the branches and saw Freya holding on for dear life. I reached my arm down.

"Take my hand" she tried to reach it, slipping as she did so.

"Gah- " she said in pain. "Leave me I'll be okay" she explained.

"No you won't I can't leave you!" I protested.

"Please go" she said almost crying. I felt a strong arm pull me to my feet. It was Dwalin. Beside him Kili, Bofur, Gloin a few more stood by him.

"Come laddie" he said as he led the others in a charge towards the Wargs. I looked down at Freya once more.

"Hold on" I said in almost a whisper before I charged off.

Freya's POV

I saw Fili leave and I sighed in relief. I felt myself slip again my feet dangling down to the valley below. One last effort to lift myself failed and I felt myself fall.

But what I thought would take a life time only took seconds. I thought I was dead but I wasn't. I was flying.

I opened my eyes to see as the valley flew below me. There was a loud screech and I knew exactly where I was. I was riding an Eagle. I nestled in it feathers and kept low as I saw them dive down onto the devastated cliff face of fire. There were lots of them. Huge Eagles diving down onto the cliff, winding the flames and lifting Wargs off the edge of the cliff before dropping them. My Eagle began to drop lower and closer.

I could make the outline of a dwarf so I held out my hand and they took it pulling themselves up beside me as the eagle took off once more.

"About time honey" I could hear the smirk in his voice and I knew who it was.

"How was work?" I asked back cheekily.

"Oh it was brutal..." he replied wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Don't you pull me off" I replied turning my neck to face him.

"I shall try not to" he replied in almost a whisper. I closed my eyes as warm lips connected with mine. The contact sending sparks of happiness shooting through me. The kiss became really sloppy with tears mixed with saliva making it all very, wet, but pleasant all the same.

We stayed like that embraced in each other as first light downed upon us. We watched as the landscape flew by as our swarm of Eagles gracefully flew past.

I felt Fili stiffen behind me.

"What is it Fi?" I asked gently.

"Thorin!" he cried. I looked to where he was and there I saw him, Thorin, swinging limply in the claws of an Eagle. No fought unconscious, or dead.

"Oh god no..." I whispered to myself.


The Eagles dropped us at tall peak. When ours landed Fili and I rushed over to Thorin who was lying on the rock face unconscious.

"Move!" we heard Gandalf order and we obeyed. "Thorin!" he cried. Taking the dwarfs pulse. Then he did something with the wave if a hand over the Kings face. Like magic, Thorin awoke and sat up. As the company sighed with relief.

"The hobbit..." Thorin murmured.

Gandalf laughed.

"Don't worry Bilbo is here, he is safe" Gandalf explained. Thorin rose to his feet and looked over at the hobbit. Who was smiling slightly with relief.

"You, what were you thinking." Thorin spat harshly. Bilbo eyes saddened. I saw Kili glare at his uncle. "You could have gotten yourself killed" he continued. "Did I not say that you were a burden, that you didn't belong, that you have no place amongst us..." It looked as though Bilbo was about to cry. But then the unexpected happened.

"I have never been so wrong in all my life..." And with that Thorin went and embraced Bilbo is a warm hug. I could see Bilbo smile and I laughed. The company cheered and I heard Kili whisper to Fili.

"I ship it..." Fili nodding in agreement. I looked to him in question and Fili smiled at me before pulling me into a tight hug.

I considered this the first stage of our journey: Complete.

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