Gerard Way x Reader - Soul Food

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Taking a look at the clock, you let yourself fall back down on the sofa. It was a sunny Saturday morning and you were desperately waiting for the clock to strike five so you could finally drive to the airport and pick up your boyfriend Gerard who would return from his tour this evening. It had been his first tour with a solo album, without his band, without his brother Mikey, and you had worried the whole time even though he always promised that he was doing fine. Of course he was a grown man with lots of experience but you still were convinced that going on tour with lots of relatively new people was different than going on tour with people he had known for more than a decade.

You just stretched and decided to make some pasta for lunch when you heard a key in the lock of the front door. Alarmed you snuck to the hallway, carefully glancing around the corner. Suddenly the door opened and Gerard stood in the entrance of your shared home. You squealed in surprise and jumped forward, running to the man and flung your arms around his neck.

"Wow, okay," he giggled, letting go of his suitcase and wrapping his arms around you.

Once your initial surprise had faded, you pulled back and pressed your lips gently against his. The feeling of him against your body made you realize how much you really had missed him.

"I thought you'd arrive in the evening!" You pushed away and pretended to stare angrily at him.

Gerard reached up and rubbed his neck. "Well, I wanted to surprise you, so I got on the earliest flight possible. Also I really, really, really missed you."

With each 'really' he stepped closer to you until his lips were on yours again. You smiled into the soft kiss, savoring each second of tasting him.

For a few minutes you stood in the doorway, hugging and kissing each other. When finally you started to believe that Gerard in fact was back, you pulled away and took a proper at him. He wore the blue suit and the red tie he also wore on the cover of 'Hesitant Alien' but he looked tired and worn out, even with the bright sparkle in eyes and a happy smile on his lips.

"I just wanted to make lunch," you told him, looking at him questioningly.

"What did you have in mind, sugar?" He finally carried his suitcase inside and hurried back outside to also pick up a small doll in the form of his mascot Lola.

"How about pasta with cheese and pistachios," you suggested.

"Sounds perfect," Gerard walked past you, not without pecking you on the lips quickly. "Would you mind if I take a quick shower to rinse off all the travel dust?"

Laughing you shook your head. "Take as long as you need, I'm gonna start cooking."


A few minutes later Gerard reappeared in the kitchen. It really had not taken him long to take that shower. His fire red hair was wet and disheveled, and he only wore a loose shirt and a pair of shorts. You could not help but smile at the sight of him. That was just so typically him. This was what you had missed, his stubborn head and unique way of living.

"Like what you see," he asked seductively, winking at you as he bent forwards, wiggling his behind into you your direction.

"Stop it, stupid," you laughed, unable to be serious.

"If you say so," he pouted playfully, "then I have to seduce you some other way."

He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your middle while you were stirring the cheese and cream sauce.

"It smells delicious, sugar," he purred into your ear, while running his lips up and down your neck. You shuddered under his touch. It had really been to long since you had been able to hold him so close.

You let go of the spoon and turned around in his arms, pressing your forehead against his, staring deep into his beautiful hazel colored eyes.

"You little tease," you scolded him.

You could not see his mouth, but his eyes were crinkling joyfully, a sure sign he was smiling.

"I missed you," he whispered.

There were no words to describe how much you loved him, how much you had missed him. So you did not even try to put it into words, you just pressed your lips against his, pouring all your love into the kiss.

For a few minutes he let you kiss him, sensibly responding to each one of your moves. Your hands were wrapped in his wet hair, holding him close to you, his hands rested gently on your waist.

When he pulled back, you opened your eyes again, pressing your forehead against his once more. His eyes were closed as if he still felt the kiss lingering on his lips. You carefully watched his face, his closed eyelids and his cheeks, everything you could see from this perspective.

"Marry me."

It was barely above a whisper, but you knew you had not misheard what Gerard had said. You had imagined that your heart would skip a beat or that your breath would hitch, that you would squeal with joy or hug him, but none of this happened. Maybe because your heart was already beating so fast and you were out of breath from the kiss. Instead you just told him the words that circled your mind the entire time.

"I love you."

He opened his eyes, looking almost scared as his gaze fixed on yours, and you could feel him tense up under your hands.


"No buts, I just really, really wanna kiss you right now," you admitted, suddenly feeling like a school girl who had a crush.

"Is that a yes," he asked hopefully.

"Definitely," you answered, watching as his eyes grew wide with surprise and happiness, a relieved laughter rolling from his lips.

He wrapped his arms tighter around you, holding you close to him and pressing his soft, like coffee tasting lips against yours once more.

Your peaceful togetherness was interrupted by the bitter smell of something burning.

"The sauce!" You pulled away from Gerard and quickly took the pot with the cheese and cream mixture of the stove. "Oh no," you whined, "It's all burnt, no way we can still eat that."

You turned back to Gerard almost expecting him to be sad, but he just smiled mischievously at you.

"Forget the sauce," he told you, "forget the pasta, forget lunch in general." He took your hands in his, massaging the back of them with his thumbs. "This leaves more time for the important part."

He winked at you, making you shake your head with an embarrassed smile, and lead you towards the bed room.

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