Ryan Ross x Reader - Colors

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'Yeah right, 'no distraction whatsoever',' Ryan bitterly thought to himself as he watched you sitting on Brendon's lap, ''Too innocent to try anything' maybe, but a distraction anyway.'

He huffed quietly to himself. There had been a reason he had suggested that the band should spent a few weeks in a cabin on their own. Admittedly, that reason had been him hoping to get over the awfully obvious crush he had on you, but that was not what mattered right now. What mattered had been that the others had promised you would not be a distraction to them, but here he was, unable to concentrate because the light laughter that left your mouth was like a drug for him. Everything seemed to fade into the background when you were around. But why were you sitting on Brendon's lap anyway? Why did you have to sit on his lap? You could as well sit on Ryan's lap, but nooo you had to sit on Brendon's.

He tried to focus back on the sheet of paper, doing his best to push all thoughts about you out of his mind. Cabin, writing songs, music, band, that was what he was here for. Aimlessly he scribbled around on the sheet of paper. How the hell was he supposed to concentrate with you so close by? Maybe a few weeks on his own would not have been enough to get over you anyway, but this was just plainly ridiculous.

"What're you talking about," he asked instead, turning around on his chair and looking over at Brendon and you.

"Ryan, tell him that blue whales are the biggest animal on the world," you demanded.

Ryan noticed how casually Brendon's arm rested around your waist. Seriously?

"Uhm, yeah, yeah, I think it is," he agreed, at the same time wondering if he was right.

"See? Told ya," you triumphed, jumping up from Brendon's lap, who groaned.

"Why does that even matter," he asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Because the world is full of wonder and adventure? Because nature is beautiful beyond our grasp? Because nothing will ever marvel at the magic of the universe as it is now if we don't," you responded excitedly.

Ryan loved it when you did that, when you lost yourself in the beautiful world that surrounded you. He just hoped that one day he could be a part of that.

"But-" Brendon interjected, "I'm pretty sure the biggest living thing on earth is this one gigantic fungus."

"Yeah, that's a fungus though, no animal," you reminded him.

Ryan hated that Brendon had interrupted your little passionate rant about the universe. Who knew when he would get another one of those?

In that moment Jon strode into the room, wearing his swim trunks, carrying a towel above his shoulder.

"Spence and I wanted to go swimming in that pool by the brook," he explained, "Anyone wanna join in?"

"Sure," Brendon cheered, quickly getting up.

"Definitely," you agreed as well.

The five of you had discovered the pool during the first day. It was a small but deep hole in the ground that was filled with crystal clear water from the brook and become part of the creek over time.

Since you were going, Ryan had no other chance but to go as well, did he?

"Cool, but hurry up, I think it's gonna rain soon," Jon told everyone before you disappeared in your rooms to put on bathing clothes.

When Ryan was done redressing, the other boys were already waiting.

"I think we should go ahead," Spencer suggested, "Maybe we can be faster than the rain."

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