20 Facts About Me

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 @Brendon_isbae tagged me to do these 20 facts about myself, so let's see what i got to offer

1 I am from Germany

2 I went to university in Switzerland for two years, but dropped out because I got ill

3 I got two pet mice, their names are Bandit (black and white) and Rue (brown)

4 I got two younger siblings, who are way cooler than me, I'm the nerd

5 The first pets I got were fishes when I was three years old, the aquarium was in my bedroom

6 In September I'll move in with my Grandma, into the apartment above hers

7 And I'll hopefully get a dog (from the shelter)

8 I currently have three people I consider my friends

9 Two of those are in contact with me about once a month

10 I suffer from severe depression and have for one and a half years now

11 Also I suffer from agoraphobia with panic attacks (that's the fear of crowds or being stuck in something like a bus, a queue, etc.)

12 I have been in a hospital because of that for almost half a year

13 My favorite stuffed animal is a dog that I got when I was three weeks old

14 I have been writing fanfictions since I was 12 but I didn't know that was a thing back then

15 No one ever read any of my stuff before I started this account (and it's better that way)

16 I want to travel around New Zeeland at least once in my life

17 I am teaching myself to play the guitar

18 And to speak Welsh (not very far with that one yet, so if anyone here does, help!)

19 I did extensive lessons in arts and music in school but studied physics

20 I am glad I found twenty things to put on here

And I tag everyone who would enjoy to do this; let's get to know each other a little better on here!

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