Advent Calendar - Dec 12

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Words: 890

"If you steal anymore dough there won't be enough left for the cookies," you scolded Spencer, swatting away his hand from the bowl.

"But it's so delicious," he whined, looking at you with puppy eyes, his hand already sneaking back to the dough in the bowl.

"And it has raw egg, so you might get ill," you added, swatting his hand away once more, not giving in to his plea; you knew him far too well for that.

It was a grey afternoon, the sky was hung with heavy clouds, and every now and then a few raindrops escaped the sky, turning the last leaves that were still lying on the street into slippery traps for anyone who did not pay attention where they were stepping.

Spencer and you had realized that even though Christmas was less than two weeks away, you still had not baked any Christmas cookies, and being the easily excited people you were, you had enthusiastically decided to change that. After the morning was passed with grocery shopping, including spending too much time in front of the shelves with the sprinkles for baking, you had found out that while your passion was the finished product, Spencer seemed to love stealing dough more than anything else. You had decided to make the simplest receipt you knew, so you got to use the various cookie cutters, sprinkles and differently colored icings you owned.

After you had successfully defended the leftovers of the dough against Spencer, and it had cooled down in the fridge for a while, you spread flour over one half of the kitchen table, preparing everything for cutting the cookies. The other half of the table was covered with baking parchment, and in the middle the cutters were placed.

Spencer and you both got to work while listening to cheesy Christmas songs in the radio, and soon the brown parchments got filled with little stars, angels, Christmas trees, Santa clauses, hearts and moons. The only problem that occurred was that the connection between the angel's wings and bodies was too narrow, so while pealing the cookies off the table, the one or the other wing ripped off, causing Spencer to whine about how deformed the angel cookies would look later on. But since both of you knew how to solve problems, you simply stuck them back together once both pieces were placed on the baking parchment, and sealed the crack with a little more dough. You had the suspicion that the amount of dough you had gotten out of the fridge, should have produced more cookies, and Spencer's occasional chewing only increased that suspicion, but you just smiled to yourself, secretly happy that he was enjoying the baking so much.

Soon after you had put the first baking tray into the oven, the smell of delicious Christmas cookies spread through the house. While you prepared the icings and sprinkles to decorate the cookies, Spencer cleaned the table of flour and leftover bits of dough before sitting down in front of the oven cross-legged, to watch the pale dough slowly turning a delicious golden brown. At the ringing of the kitchen clock, he maneuvered the hot tray out of the oven, and immediately put in the next.

Decorating was a lot of fun, especially considering how childish both of you turned. Being allowed to be childish, silly, a little cheeky sometimes was something you loved about being with Spencer. You both always understood each other without words, and when both of you were in the right mood it was definitely possible that the living room got turned into a pillow fortress, and you spent the night in there. Once Spencer had even been so immersed in this game that when the delivery service had rang the doorbell, Spencer had asked for the password. Luckily the man had taken it with humor, but Spencer had been terribly embarrassed, especially since you could not stop laughing.

Now he sat opposite you on the small table, a green fir tree sprinkle stuck to his nose with a drop of lemon icing. Your cheek also had been decorated with a little sprinkle heart which Spencer had put on you.

"An angel for my angel," he smiled and pushed an angel shaped cookie, decorated with white lemon icing and silvery sugar pearls, over the table to you.

You grinned happily at him and pushed the cookie you had been working on over to him in return.

"Seems like you stole my heart," you winked, making Spencer giggle.

It seemed like there were not enough cookies for all the ideas Spencer and you had, so it felt too soon that all the cookies were decorated festively, and you turned to cleaning up the kitchen.

Later that afternoon, the house still smelled of cookies, you and Spencer found yourselves cuddled into the ruins of yesterday's blanket fortress, sipping on hot chocolate and eating the Christmas cookies you had worked so hard for. The little tree sprinkle was still stuck to Spencer's nose, but your heart sprinkle had fallen off while doing the dishes. Spencer and you sunk deeper into the fluffy blankets, peppering each other's faces with sweet, short, and each other's lips with hot, long kisses. Without any of you noticing the rain outside slowly turned to the first snow of the season.

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