Party Poison x Reader - Leaders Are Responsible

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Warnings: blood, wounds, pain
count: 2 408

It should have been a routine patrol. It was a sunny, hot day as any other. There should have been no Dracs, there should have been no white BLI car, there should have been nobody when Jet and you raced through the barren land of zone six. But there were, and now you were cowering behind your fallen over motor bike, pressing your left hand against the bleeding wound in your shoulder, blood seeping through your fingers, dripping down the fingerless leather glove you wore. Your other hand was still tightly holding onto your ray gun. You squeezed your eyes shut in pain, but quickly opened them again when you heard shots. You hissed when a lightning bold of pain shot through your body when you tried to move, but you did it anyway, peeking out from behind the fallen over motor bike, trying to get a look at the scene around you.

Jet was nowhere in sight, so you assumed he was still cowering behind the gigantic rock, where he had taken cover earlier. And there were Dracs. Two of them were slowly approaching your hide-out, ray guns raised and ready to shoot. Shit. If you shot one, the other one would know you were still alive and close the distance between where it was now and you within about a second. You'd have to try and take it down in close combat, but you were severely injured and chances at winning this fight were close to zero. The other opportunity would be waiting. But then they would reach you, see you were still alive and kill you immediately, if they did not have a Drac mask and would turn you into one of them, making you a mindless, soulless killer machine. But that was not the way you would go down. So you carefully positioned your ray gun and focused on the Drac on the left side. You would go down fighting, that was for sure. Where the hell was Jet? Was he okay? You could really need his help right now.

You took a deep breath that caused another bolt of pain to shoot through you, and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the left Drac right in the head and it fell down to his knees. But even before it hit the ground, a second shot, one you had not fired, took out the other one. The two bangs echoed in the distance between the hills and faded out, when suddenly you heard another pair of feet rustle over the sand and gravel towards your position.


You released a breath you had been holding for slightly too long when you recognized Jet's voice.

"I'm here," you let him know, finally paying attention to your wound again and increasing the pressure on it.

You heard Jet curse under his breath as he saw you, quickly falling to his knees at your side.

"Damn, this doesn't look good," he whispered, carefully pulling the material of your torn jacket and shirt away to take a closer look at the wound. "We need to get you to the diner as fast as possible."

He easily picked you up from the ground, ignoring your complaints about how much it hurt, and carried you to his motor bike, since yours, the one you had been hidden behind had taken a lot of damage in the fight.

The ride passed in a blur, Jet riding in the front, you sitting behind him, wrapping your arms as tight around his strong body as you could, but your strength was leaving you more and more with every passing minute.

You had leant your face against Jet's back, taking comfort in his long, curly hair brushing over your face in the wind, so when the bike slowed down, you assumed you had reached the diner. Jet pulled your hands off him so he could climb off the bike and a moment later he picked you up again, carrying you the last meters through the door.

"And they're ba- what the fucking hell?"

Fun Ghoul's enthusiasm about your return was short lived when he saw Jet coming through the door, your body limply handing from his arms.

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