Brendon Urie x Reader - Clumsy

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: pain, reader breaks their arm
count: 1 544

Should you have known it was a bad idea? Probably. Did you do it anyway? Yes.

The speaker you had climbed on was really not very high, maybe one and a half meters, so the thought of falling off was not very scary to you. You watched the boys build up the stage for tomorrow's performance of Panic! at the Disco while you let your feet dangle off the edge of the speaker that was already in place. Music was blaring through the empty arena, motivating everyone to work. You would have helped, but since you somehow had managed to break a mic-stand a few days ago, the roadies preferred you to stay away from the equipment. You were not mad; you knew you had always been sort of clumsy. So instead of trying to help set up the stage you dangled your feet from your speaker-thrown and sung along to the Fall Out Boy song that was currently playing while giving advise where to put what for aesthetic reasons.

The guys were almost finished setting up the stage, when Zack came over. He leant against the side of the speaker and together you chatted about the last venues and how tour had been so far.

"How's your little island up there," Casper, a new member of the tour crew, asked.

"Pretty chill, nice view," you answered, "wanna join me?"

You scooted aside and patted the now free space next to you, but the young man shook his head.

"Nah, I don't think Brendon would approve."

Brendon. You loved him, he was an amazing guy and how he had fallen for you was still a mystery to you, but he was known to get jealous and overprotective easily. Sometimes you thought it was cute, but sometimes it was annoying. You could well look after yourself and he should have no reason to get jealous just because someone sat on a speaker next to you. But you knew exactly that if he would walk in on that, he would start holding your hand and kiss you, and place his hand on your hip and all these little things that showed the world you were his. You liked it when he acted like that, it gave you the feeling of having a place in the world, a place by his side. But when it stopped other people from having a normal, harmless interaction with you, it was beyond unnerving.

"Imagine this is the ocean, and I'm a hungry shark," Zack suddenly laughed, lifting his arms up to his head and moving them as if they were the jaws of a hungry predator, even if they reminded more of a crocodile than a shark, "and I want your feet for lunch. Hm, cheese!" It was obvious that he tried to distract the situation, but you let him, playing along to his joke.

He tried to grab your ankle but you quickly jumped up on top of the speaker, laughing down on him.

"Poor, Zack-shark, lunch's gonna have to wait, your prey was faster," you giggled, stepping back from the edge a little.

"Then I gotta do it like the killer whale and try to move around on land a little," Zack threatened, reaching for your ankle again, this time reaching onto the speaker.

You took a few steps back, just so he could not reach you.

"Never," you laughed.

"Just you wait," Zack groaled and stretched a little.

You took another step back and anoth- The next step, where you had assumed to be more speaker proved to be air and with a suppressed scream you fell backwards of the speaker. Instinctively you reached behind you to avoid the heavy collision of your head with the floor. The impact pressed all air out of your body, and a sting went from your hands through your arm. You groaned quietly, barely noticing the surprised and worried shouts of the men, who quickly came around the speaker to see if you were okay. You sat up and rubbed your hands, trying to get the burning feeling away, but an increasing pain spread through your left arm. You bit your lip and slowly got up, careful not to use your left arm.

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