Frank Iero x Reader - A Gang Of Kids And Dogs

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Often people complimented you on how they were fascinated by you not only raising three children almost on your own, but also to keep house and publish your own music. Whenever someone brought this up, you smiled and said it was just what you did, it was your life. And that was no lie. But you never told them how hard it was.

Frank and you had met in high school and fallen for each other immediately. When he had joined 'My Chemical Romance' you had been so happy for him. They were his favorite band after all. Sometime later he asked you to marry him. Three times you had told him you were not ready for marriage yet, you had only been twenty-three. But when he asked you a fourth time, you suddenly knew it was the perfect time. When he visited you in hospital after you had given birth to your first children, two beautiful boys named Charlie and Lucas, he showed you proudly a demo for one of the band's new songs. When he held your daughter Emily for the first time, he started crying. No one knew about this but you and him. When the band broke up, you held him and listened to him, to all his thoughts and his heartbreak.

Now, a few years later, he was on tour with his own band. You knew he felt bad to leave you and the kids behind, but you had insisted he went on tour. You had known that he would be gone for most of the year when you married him. If you had not been prepared to deal with this, you would not have married him. But as mentioned, it was hard. The kids were always ready to get in trouble, not to mention the numerous dogs, you owned. The only free time you had was while the kids were in school and kindergarten. If you were not busy cleaning the house you made music. You had never pursued it as much as Frank had, it had more been a hobby of yours, but since you had kids, Frank encouraged you to write and publish your own music. When home, he often helped you record something that you would later put on YouTube. You barely made money with it, but it was nice to get feedback.

It was late in the evening, but the children were still wide awake. The clock had just stroked half past ten yet they were still running around the house like three tiny maniacs. Usually they would be sound asleep by now, but today was a special day. Today their dad would return from tour after three months. Of course there had been countless Skype calls, but nothing could compare to actually seeing him in person. You knew how excited your children were for Frank's return and you thought it was just plainly cruel to put them to bed and deny them to see their father after so long, so you allowed them to stay up. They had all showered and wore their pajamas, ready to go to bed. You had prepared a vegetable soup with noodles so Frank could have a late dinner and the three did not have to go to bed hungrily. Usually you made this soup at New Year for after midnight, but you thought that today was just as important as the start of a new year. If not more important.

Lucas just asked for the hundredth time when his dad would come home and you told him for the hundredth time that you did not know, when suddenly a car stopped outside the house. Excitedly the children and dogs rushed to the front door. When you reached the hallway you were surprised that the door was still closed. Apparently the rule of 'don't open the door when mum or dad aren't there' was still working.

"You can open up," you told them. They all simultaneously grabbed the handle, pulled the door open, and stormed outside, followed by the dogs. When you reached the door, you were finally able to look outside. Frank had already made his way halfway to the house. He carried his duffle bag on his back, and the two guitar cases on the ground next to him indicated that he had carried them before his gang of kids and dogs had stormed towards him. He was kneeing, hugging all his children close to his chest while the dogs were running around him, trying to lick every piece of his skin they could find (dog kisses!). You stood in the door and smiled at the scene. No matter how hard it was to live without Frank, these moments made worth all the effort.

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