Advent Calendar - Dec 19

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Words: 597

People pushed past you ruthlessly, and you tightened your grip around Frank's hand. Going shopping this close to Christmas was a nightmare, and no matter how often you told yourself to get all the presents early, you never did. Now you were on the search for a few little things to give to your elderly relatives, your godson, and some of your friends.

"There," Frank pointed over to a small shop that seemed magically less crowded than every other shop you had been to so far.

Finally escaping the crowds that rolled down the streets, you slipped in through an old-fashioned door, making the bell above it ring. You had never been in here, but the place was filled with all kinds of junk. Along the walls, carpets were lined up; tables and shelves filled with candles, glasses, toys, jewelry, plant pots, mugs, and many more things, turned the room into a maze.

You pulled your hat off, and opened your jacket, since the shop was pretty warm; a welcome change for your cold fingers and nose.

Frank had barely made two steps into the shop, when he already reached for a little candle glass, which was decorated with mosaic stones.

"For Lynz," he asked, showing it to you.

A quiet giggle escaped your lips at his already developing enthusiasm for this shop.

"Let's look around first, don't you think," you suggested, squeezing past him to take a look at the closest table that was filled with bowls full of different buttons and crystals.

Frank nodded, putting the glass back on the shelf, and started looking around the room as well.

Christmas music played from well-hidden speakers, and the aroma of joss sticks filled the air, creating an almost oriental atmosphere. You could not get enough of looking around. The shop was filled to the brim with treasures. Some were a little boring, like the candle letters for cakes, or the different balloons with age numbers, but there were also small, wooden animal figures that looked like they were from Africa, tiny sphinxes were lined up along a shelf, reminding you of the bazaar Chan el-Chalili in Cairo, beautiful scarfs out of different materials, in different styles, were presented in baskets underneath tables, and a corner of the room was filled with lamps that looked like they were from the beginning of the last century. It felt like you were time traveling, depending on what tables you were looking at, while your mind constantly created new images of places these things might have seen, and you felt like this was a place you could spent hours, even days, in.

"I got something for you," Frank suddenly laughed, appearing behind you.

Without a warning he pushed a hat with some sewn on plush antlers over your head, and giggled gleefully at you rolling your eyes.

It really had been almost two hours which you had spent in the shop, but when you left, both Frank and you were carrying a bag with gifts for all the people you had searched something for. Much to your amusement, he had insisted on also buying the antler hat, which he now was wearing proudly as you walked back towards the parking lot where you had left your car. Frank's fingers were intertwined with yours, and tucked into his coat pocket, protecting your hands from the cold afternoon air.

You leant your head against Frank's shoulder, and smiled gently to yourself, while you watched the decorations in the street, the fairy lights sparkling in shop windows, and Christmas spirit filling the city.

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