Part 2

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January 2

What a glorious time I had! Terry gave me a make up kit, Ginger and Sandy took me Ice skating at ______. Then we went to Debbie's and blasted music and danced.
Debbie has her own place in the basement of her parents house and they are really laid back and liberal with her. They don't tell her what to do or when to come home
and she can have over anybody she wants. I envy her so! I wish I was her! She's so cool and relaxed around guys, just like my sister. And she's so pretty! Long flowing
hair and beautiful blue eyes that could hypnotize you.
Terry lets me do what I want, but at times she is just like a mom. Oh yeah..I''ll have to tell you the story about dear mom and dad my friend. But that is for another time.
Right now I'm happy.

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