Part 44

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May 10

What wonderful news! Justine has been transferred to Carla's other clothing store and she got a raise, sorta. Well she makes more than at the smaller store because the
prices are high and even though Justine gets a discount it still doesn't make much of a difference. With both our jobs and what we brought with us from home we should
have enough for at least first month's rent on a decent apartment. We've already sorta been looking in the paper but so far nothing fits our budget yet but that's ok
because our luck seems to be getting better and I'm just delighted by the outcome.

May 13

Mr. Robbins is really nice. He showed me how some of the jewelry is made and I even made my first bracelet! I discovered that he also sells hemp bracelets/Necklaces.
It's no where near like the jewelry in the store, it's more of a friendship bracelet, but Mr. Robbins said he liked it and I glowed from his praise.
Carla's party was fun. She's really pretty and elegant, and wears beautiful dresses. Justine said that Carla told her one of her dresses was ordered directly from France
and especially made for her by a friend she knows there when she traveled years ago. Carla looks like she's in her early twenties but in reality is much older than that. She's so full of life and her hair is so long, red, and shiny that it looked as if someone painted it on her head. One of Carla's friends is having a party saturday night and invited
Justine and I and we're simply delighted to be included.

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