Part 47

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Finally something has gone right! The Psychedelic called me and said their looking for some one part-time and that I got the job. I'm really relieved because the money
from my last job and the money I brought with me is kind of starting to run low. I'm thinking of finding a clinic and getting some birth control because I don't want to go
through the whole "am I or aren't I" routine. I thought a lot about Ginger and wondered how is she is doing. I even got a little homesick earlier and almost broke down
and called Terry. Then I thought of that bastard _______, and changed my mind. I wonder if he is doing that to some other poor girl now that I'm not there anymore.
I hope not, and if he is I hope she stabs him or at least gets away like I did. I really hate being a woman and wish I were a man. I even feel like a man. I know that as
much as I like to fuck I'd probably have a mess of kids by now if I had a dick.


This is the best job ever! My boss, Steve, is this old hippie dude that let's us get high in the back when we go on our breaks just as long as we do our jobs and don't fuck
anything up. He plays groovy music in the store like hendrix and Iron Butterfly and it's more like a small party than it is work. I love Haight-Ashbury and I love acid
and I love women! So many groovy chicks come into the store it's hard not to look at them and not get turned on. Even the guys are groovy. This one guy came into the store
and we just started talking and he's taking me out tonight. His name is Chris and he's tall with long beautiful hair down to his back and pretty blue eyes. We are
going to probably chill at his place and listen to music. I can't wait!


I really had an awesome time with Chris. We left together after work and went to his place. He put on the stereo and we smoked a joint together and just chilled.
Then he pulled out some happy dust and I snorted a line in each nostril, then chased it down with two shots of whiskey. He did the same and it wasn't long before
we ended up in the bedroom and we're fucking our brains out. Afterwards we popped some ludes to come down and made some sandwhiches. We eventually fell
asleep, but in the morning before I left we fucked one more time.
Chris was good in bed and he's nice looking but the sex was not the same as it is with a woman. But it comes in handy when your horny and nobody else is around.
I only saw Chris two more times after that because he quit all of a sudden and disappeared. His replacement was this chick named Diane and man she is something.
She has this long dark brown wavy hair that goes passed her shoulders and a beautilful body of a goddess. Her eyes are a shade of pale baby blue and her smile is like sunshine. She's a total hippie and really laid back and friendly. I went home horny and masterbated while I imagined what she tasted like.


It's my day off and I spent a lot of time thinking. I smoked a joint and for some reason it really got my mind rolling and thinking of everything. Then I got really homesick
and suddenly I was so lonely and now I wished I could talk to Ginger. I can't though because then she might tell Terry where I am and then I'd have to go back to that fucker abusing me all the time. I wish I knew that he was dead or something, then I would go on home. Honest.

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