Part 10

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January 14

So I'm back at Aunt Starr's and so far she's doing her best to give me privacy. We had a long talk when I got back and she told me the whole story about why her and mom never got along. Turns out it was a jealously thing! Can you believe that? Aunt Starr had always been jealous of mom because she was the smartest and the prettiest, had an outgoing personality and did well in school. Aunt Starr was mad at mom because she got married young and didn't follow her dreams instead. She said mom had always wanted to go into the arts, that she was always painting pictures and drawing.
I was so blown away by this news, I never knew mom painted or drew, I just knew she liked looking at art from time to time. Then Aunt Starr actually pulled out some
of mom's paintings she kept from when Mom was a kid. What beautiful work!
I almost cried it was so beautiful!
Aunt Starr then said she was sorry she was so hard on Terry and I, she just doesn't want us to waste our talents and go down the wrong path. We hugged, and she made me promise to follow my dreams no matter what, not to let anything stop me. I promised I would. And I will. I will study hard and become a success. I will make mom and dad proud of me up there in heaven.

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