Part 27

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I really dig Janis's pad. It's trippy and groovy and she has the prettiest jewelry and dresses. She's eighteen, but an old soul. She has parties and really goes all
out for them with the food and decorations and music. She's having a party tonight and I am helping her decorate the place and prepare the food. This party is going
to be so much fun. I can't wait!


The party was fun and groovy. All of Janis's friends are really far out. Everyone was so nice to me and treated me like I belonged and I couldn't have been happier! This one guy brought a beautiful hookah to the party and we all got high high high and just rapped about the war and movies everyone had seen. This one woman said she had been to England and would live there if she had the bread to do it. I would love to go to England some day and all over Europe even.


I'm awfully bitched and pissed off at everyone. Janis and I have the day off but she's off on a date with some fucker she met last week and I need a fix bad but nobody
is holding because the fuzz has clamped down on the area and I just want to shit all over the filthy stinking world! I guess I'm just really low.


Work was okay, and Janis and I made lots of sales and she was able to score some pot for us for later. This is my first job and I'm actually enjoying helping the
Customers pick out groovy outfits and putting them together. Janis says I'm a natrual and maybe some day I can open up my own shop. I think I would like that. What do
you think friend? Janis said she's going to have another party but just a few people will be coming. Sounds like fun fun fun!

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