Part 39

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April 27

How can everything in my life go from great to shitty so fast? I'm so mad at myself and that sonofobitch ______. He is a friend of Michael's and is a big fake!
Michael brought him over and for the first few times he was really a nice guy but when Terry and Michael went out for something the bastard starting grabbing
at me and tearing at my clothes and saying I was a cock tease when I was just sitting there minding my own business and watching tv. He grabbed me and threw me down
on the couch and raped me in every orifice I had and then said if I say anything to Michael or Terry or anybody he'd kill me.
I went straight to my room and couldn't even face Terry or Michael or anybody because I was so upset and scared. I'm mad at myself because I got tired of
being left out so I went to a party with Justine and I slipped and smoked a joint. And then I must have had a flashback, because I was in my room doing homework
and the next thing I know I can't think straight and I'm suddenly back in San Francisco in Jeff's apartment with Janis and that fucker_____. Only they aren't
themselves, there big, ugly, monsters and their jumping on me all at the same time and biting me. Then I'm at the park and I'm naked and it's big orgy with people making
love to inanimate objects that come to life. I'm laughing hysterically and the next thing I know I'm curled up on the floor of my room and covered in sweat, shivering.
I do my best to put on my happy face with everybody but's it's so hard and when that bastard _______ comes over and he's alone with me he jumps on me and says I better
take it or else and I'm powerless to do anything about it. He says Terry, and especially Michael, wouldn't believe me and I'd only get myself into trouble. I'm so depressed
lately I'm even slipping on tests and just the other day I was warned that I was "dangerously" close to failing English. And that's my best subject!
I don't know how much more I can take...

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