Part 43

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May 3

I took a job in a little Book store. The pay is crap but it will be enough to a least get us food. Justine found a job too in a small clothing store but continues
to look for something better since the pay isn't much there either. I thought a lot about Terry today. She must be going out of her mind with worry. But as long as
______ is there I couldn't bear to stay. I wonder if Michael would be surprised that his friend is such an abusive bastard? ______ puts on such a good act while he's
around people that you'd never guess he's really like that. Plus if I go back and he's still there, surely he will say it's all my fault and have me sent away forever to some
shitty institution like juvey or a mental hospital. For all I know he's already told Terry and everyone else lies about me and now I can never go back! What a mess I am
in. Right now I'd love to go out and see who's holding but I promised myself I wasn't going to do that because I don't want to get back on the merry-go-round.

May 5

Our lives are an endless cycle of getting up, eating, working, then eating and going to bed. We are too tired sometimes to even take baths.
Sometimes I miss my job at Kenny's because at least the customers we're friendly and Terry and I had fun working together. At least we have jobs though and that's all that counts.

May 7

I quit my job at the Book store. Just by chance while I was out I went into a jewelry store just to look and got talking to the owner, Mr. Robbins, and he said he
really valued my opinions on the different types of jewelry and offered me a job!
I told Justine and to celebrate we found a nice little restaurant in town and had dinner. We talked about Mr. Robbins and the jewelry store and about looking
for a better apartment. Justine said the clothing store wasn't so bad and that her boss, Carla, actually turned out to be pretty cool. She even invited Justine
to a party Carla was having with some friends after work. She asked Carla if it would be ok to bring a friend and she said yes! Things are starting to look up
and I couldn't be happier!

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