Part 16

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February 7

Oh happy day! Lou called me yesterday AND came over! Terry was at work and I had just gotten home from school and no sooner had I walked in the door the phone
rang and it was her! We balled all afternoon and got high. This time we shot speed and boy what a rush! In some ways sex is even better with speed. She said she was
going to this bar tonight and that I should go with her and meet one of her contacts. "He's got the best shit around town," she tells me "And he'll give you a good deal
if he likes you." I told her that was bitchin but that I had no bread. She told me don't worry about it and that she'd take care of me. Such a good girlfriend! But then there
was another problem, my age. What if I get carded I ask her? She then tells me her contact knows the bar tender and he buys from him regularly. Before she left she
slipped me some more joints and promised to call later. Oh I love her so!


Lou and Ginger called. Ginger wants me to come over and help her with homework but the problem is I'm supposed to go out with Lou tonight. I don't
want to be a rotten friend but I also want to spend time with Lou. When Lou called she said she pick me up around ten and now its just six. So maybe
I will go over to Ginger's and call Lou and have her come pick me up there at ten. I already called Terry at work and told her I was spending the
night With Lou. She's just happy I'm getting out again. She told me to be careful and have a good time. This is what I love about Terry, she doesn't
ask many questions and she seems to understand.

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