Character info

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Name: Tatsu Shiki Tanaka (Hinata, Asahina)

Looks: She often dies her hair a lot, but her true hair color is white with pink tips. She also has light red eyes that look purple and pink at times. She always wears slutty stuff, if she doesn't, then something important is happening.

Age: 20

Cup Size: She is a g-cup, and has a very curvy body.

Jobs: She is an actress, singer, dancer, voice actor, idol, model, and she owns her own hotel.

Hobbies: She loves to have sex and she'll do it with anyone, shopping, teasing Ema, practicing her jobs, going to bars, and drinking and smoking.

Family: The Hinata's and Asahina's, and her birth parents the Tanaka's.

History: Her birth parents, the Tanaka's were very cruel to her. Her mother would abuse her which led to her drinking and smoking at twelve years old. Then her father sexually abused her which led her to love sex, and her mother to abuse her even more. On her sixteenth birthday she ran away and stopped at a police station only to find her parents there. She went into the police station and her parents pretended they were worried about her and such, but when they were leaving she told one of the cops to follow her home. He did so, and he saw what they did to her, and sent them to a mental hospital, and their sentence said that once they were sane, they would go to jail. They sent Tatsu to an orphanage, and was soon adopted into the Hinata family. One day there was a talent show and she entered in singing, and she won and there were talent scouts there and she let out her first album. Her career only got better from there, and led to where she is today.

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