Chapter 17

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(Tatsu's pov)

He looked at me with tears in his eyes as Jace laughed, clearly amused at the scene. I could see Wataru's brain working, trying to come up with a different idea but failing. His lip quivered as Jace then pushed him towards me. He fell onto his knees and started to cry. I tried to hug him, but my shackles stopped me from moving. It was in that moment, that everything changed.

That man was here. The one from my... dreams? A smirk played on his face as he watched me, his piercing eyes never leaving my form. I instantly stood up and started to make my way towards him when I was suddenly pulled down. I tried to move but I couldn't, then my breathing stopped. My lungs started to burn as I cried, but only making me hurt more from losing more air. Then, the world seemed to be shaking as the only thing I could see was his eyes.

The eyes. That's the problem his eyes! His eyes are doing this to me! The way they look at me amused, as if I am just a game to him. It must be his eyes! Is I take them out then this'll be all over! I then started to fight back, trying to hit something, anything, but the only thing that I was touching was air. Suddenly the eyes were in front of me, his golden eyes were shimmering with tears as I then felt myself being slapped across the cheek. Instantly I scratched at his eyes, feeling my nails scrape against it when suddenly everything became clear to me. My family was chained to the wall, Jace laughing at me in amusement, and Wataru... on the floor holding his eye.

"Wataru!" I screamed out as I tried to get near him but he kicked to try and get away from me. Tears came to my eyes as I realized what I've done to him. Not only have I hurt him, but I've broken my promise to always protect him. Wataru.... my sweet sweet Wataru... I'm so sorry. Tears came pouring out of me as I then collapsed to the ground and cried in shame.

I suddenly heard a dark chuckle I looked around and saw the same man laughing at me. His golden eyes looking at me, mocking me.

I instantly got up and ran towards him only for him to disappear.

"Oh, Tatsu, poor poor Tatsu." He chuckled put behind me, I tried to kick him, but failing as my leg went straight through him.

"What... where are you?!" I screamed out as I then heard two voices laughing. One Jace's and the other his.

"Ha! I can't believe you, Tatsu! I didn't even drug you and you've already gone insane! Hahahaha!" I heard one voice laugh out. My vision then got clear again and I realized what was happening.

My family looked at me shocked, most of them crying because of what has happened. Jace was laughing his ass off, and Wataru was trying to hide from me by standing closer to the family. To them I must look insane, trying to hit something that isn't even here....

"Who are you?!" I screamed out, wanting to know that I truly haven't lost it and that there really is someone else here.

"I would have thought that you'd remember your father." He chuckled out, sitting at the table, his eyes looking deep into mind. His golden, poisonous eyes.

"What do you want?" Everyone else seemed to disappear as we were then in a black world where there was only us. The blackness went as far as I could see, the only things that were colorful were the man and I.

"It's time for you to become Eve." He then reached out towards me, his hand cupping my face as he then whispered into my ear. "And this time, nothing will go wrong." He then let go of my face and we were back in the room. Only it was different. We were in the same room, but it was only us and the table with the bottle and drugs on it.

"Well, Tatsu, it's time to go." He said with a smirk as the handcuffs behind me then disappeared. I then ran over to him and tried to fight back, but as soon I touched him an invisible force suddenly pushed me back into the table. Making the bottle and drugs fall onto the floor. He laughed at me, his golden amused, mocking, taunting, jesting, entertained eyes watched me. I could only look at him in shock of what just happened.

"What are you?" I asked him, scared for my life.

"No, what are we?" He asked me with a smirk.

Suddenly my family was back in here, but then they disappeared, came back, and disappeared. My vision started to get blurry as I tried to focus on him.

"What are you doing to me?!" I screamed out as he got closer to me. Suddenly I heard a loud crash, momentarily distracted him as he suddenly looked angry. I reached out for the alcohol bottle to try and throw it at him when another invisible forced was thrown at me.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as I was suddenly in the air with the bottle in my hands, but then I fell on top of the bottle, it's broken shards went deep into my chest. Blood poured out of my wound as I tried to get off of my chest but couldn't, causing the glass to go in deeper. I tried to talk but blood came out of my mouth as my vision started to get fuzzy. I heard people calling out my name but I couldn't register it until they started to try and turn me over. I was only put in more pain as the glass started to break inside of me.

"Stop!" I whispered screamed out as I heard them calling out to me. I could just barely make out their worried faces when suddenly I felt myself being picked up. I screamed, begging them to put me down but to no avail. I could feel the glass going deeper inside me as they held me up and tried to get it out of me.

"S-stop!" I cried out, grabbing a pair of hands, my vision started to become clearer as I realized who was who else was here.

"Y-Yuma, take them with you." I whispered out as he cried while holding me.

"I can't leave you to die, stupid!" He growled/cried out as he held onto me tighter, causing me to cry from the pain. He must have sensed it as he then loosened his grip a little.

"P-please... Yuma." I whined out as I punched his chest weakly.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! I'm taking all of you!" He screamed out angrily as my vision then got blurry again as we were transported somewhere. I tried to look around but stopped as I started to cough up blood.

"Y-Yuma, put me down." I whispered to him, my chest feeling heavy as it started to get hard to breathe. I could see some of my family members trying to come over to me but Yuma stopping them. The other was over by Wataru, trying to get him not to worry about me.


I closed my eyes as I tried to take in deep breaths but failing to do so. I could only cry as I knew what would happen to me.

"Wataru..... I'm sorry."
(Third pov)

"We are gathered here today" The priest said as he spoke about a brave, sex-driven, gorgeous woman. He talked about how she'll now be at peace with God in His Kingdom of Heaven and live in everlasting life.

The Asahina and Mukami families were there, as they were grieving over a loved one. Each one had something to say but never did, as it wouldn't make much of a difference now. Ema wished that she would have been able to say she was sorry, but she'd never be able too. Yuma wished that he could have told her about his love, but he'd never be able to. Even if he did die they'd go to two different places. And Wataru, Wataru wished that he could have told her thank you, thank you for keeping her promise and keeping him safe.

She was buried in Kuromato Grave Yard, where two other important women were buried next to her. But the two family's didn't pay any attention to their graves. Only to a certain purple headed boy that was at a grave near theirs.

Her burial was quick and brief. No one wished to stay afterward because of sad they were, well almost everyone. In the distance, golden eyes were watching them. Only those golden eyes weren't amused anymore, only angry.

"Now I have to go back and redo all of this. Let's just hope that this is the last time." He said, clearly annoyed.
(Tatsu's pov)

As Ema and I entered the elevator I could help but be excited. I couldn't wait to meet my new brothers!

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