Chapter 1

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  "Ahh. . . Harder Jace!" I moaned out as one of my boys were fucking me senseless, when.

Ring! . . . Ring! . . . Ring!

I picked up the phone while he was still fucking me, and it said, Ema.

  "H-h-hello!" I moaned out as he went faster into me. "T-Tatsu?" I heard her say while stuttering. Cute. She must be blushing.

  "Y-y-yeah!" I moaned out as he started to go slower.   "I just called to say that I can't wait to see you tomorrow bye!" Then she hanged up.

  Ema and I are sisters, well, adopted sisters. I recently learned that dad finally got married, but they didn't tell me because they knew I was on tour. So now I'm in Japan, and in my private hotel that I own, fucking my fuck friend Jace.

  Oh, and for your information, yes, I'm a player.

  "Are you ready for another round?" "No Jace, I have to wake up early tomorrow." I told him as I put the covers over me. It felt good on my hot skin.

  He then groaned and lied down next to me, putting his arm around me and pulling me closer. "Night." He said, but I was already asleep when he said that.

.  .  .

I got up, and got dressed, (photo above), and got onto my motorcycle and went to a bakery.

I love this bakery, they have a lot of hot guys working there, and it's a nice place to relax. Also, my childhood friend works there too.

When I got there, I opened the door and saw Iori getting a table ready. "Hey, Iori!" I said as he looked over at me with a smile.

We met when we were kids, we would always hang out, then he introduced me to Subaru, the three of us were always stuck together like glue. Those were the good old days.

"Hello, Tatsu." He said as he guided me to a table. "The usual?" "Yup." He then went to the back and got me a pumpkin spice coffee and a muffin.

"Thanks. Oh, are there any new guys around?" I asked him.

I'm so lucky to have him and Subaru in my life. Even though I'm a player, their still friends with me, and we never fucked each other, and that's a big deal.

"No, but remember Kaname?" Kaname. . . Kaname. . . Kaname. "Nope." I said popping the p. He sighed and went back to work.

I ate my muffin and drank my coffee while texting Jace.

J: Are you free tomorrow?

T: No I'm going to be with fam

T: Remember???

J: Ohhhhhh

J: Then when can we meet?

T: I don't know

T: Probably not till next month I want to fuck some bar boys and a few of my buddies from around here

J: I'll miss you

J: 😘

T: Remember I'm only a one nighter 😑

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