Chapter 4

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I hate my manager! He made me wake Louis up at three am, just to dye my hair because they won't be able to get a professional tomorrow. Well, I have news for him, he can go stick his phone up his-!

"Onee-Chan!" I looked behind me and saw Wataru in his usual clothes, while Ukyo gave me a whole speech of what to wear at his school. I almost thought I wouldn't go, that is until I found this pretty outfit, and it goes good with the new hair color. (Picture above)

I have to ask my manager when I can finally take out all of this dye and go back to my original hair color. I feel like it's been years since I've last seen it. After all, I guess they should all see my hair color. . .

"Onee-Chan! Let's go!" Wataru said dragging me to the garage where I parked my motorcycle. Wait. . . Are kids allowed on motorcycles? Whatever, if I get pulled over I'll say that Wataru is dying and needs to get to the hospital or something.

I then picked up Wataru, put a helmet on him, and put him behind me. "Ok Wataru, do you feel safe back there? If you don't feel safe, you can ride in the front." "I'm good! Let's go!" He said excitedly, as I turned on my motorcycle, I heard a whimper from Wataru, and his hands held onto me tighter. "It's ok Wataru, I won't let you fall." I said as I then put him in front of me while holding onto all of the things I need in order to drive.

"You ready?" I asked him, he nodded his head excitedly, as I then started to drive to his school.

. . .

  When we got there, a ton of cute kids came up to us, some asking for an autograph, and others saying nice things to Wataru. "Your pretty famous Wataru." I said while tickling his stomach and he giggled.

  Then, a pair of hands covered my eyes. "Guess who?" Fuck. "Jace." I said annoyed as he took his hands away and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  "Hey, only I can kiss her!" Wataru yelled at him upset. "Yeah, Jace! Only he can kiss me!" I yelled at him as I hit him over the head playfully. He then pouted and latched his arms around my waist.

  "Hey!" Wataru said as he tried to get Jace's arms off of me. I'm rooting for you Wataru! I know you can get this freak away from me!

  "Big brother!" I heard a tiny voice yell. I looked around and saw a little boy with black hair like Jace, but he had blue eyes. "Stuart!" Jace yelled, I looked over at Jace, and he looked angry. "I told you to stay in the car!" He yelled as he was about to hit him, I got off of my bike, and stood in front of him. Jace then slapped me across the face instead of his brother, Stuart.

  My cheek stung as everybody looked at me shocked.

  "Jace. . ."

  "I'm so sorry! I wasn't aiming for you!" He said as he kept on blabbering on and on, when, "Why would you even think about hitting you, brother?! He's a child! What's wrong with you?!" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes.

  I then grabbed the poor kids' hand and Wataru's and dragged them inside the school.

  "Onee-Chan are you ok?! Should I get the nurse?! You're not going to die right?!" He started to say with tears in his eyes. "No, no, no, Wataru, I'll be fine, don't worry." I've been through worse. I then hugged him, while trying to calm him down.

  Stuart looked at me guiltily, and said, "I'm sorry if I would have stayed in the car none of this would have happened." He said with tears in his eyes while looking down. "It's ok Stuart, I don't blame you, and I know your brother pretty well, so he probably didn't mean it." I said to him while hugging him.

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