Chapter 3

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  I feel something on my chest. I put my arms around it and sighed. Whatever it is is warm, and soft, and. . . Cuddling me?

  I opened my eyes and saw Wataru snuggling into my breasts.

  So cuttttteeeeeeeeeee!!!

  I then started to brush his hair with my hand and look at him softly.

  He's so innocent. I promise Wataru that I'll keep you this way.

  "Onee-Chan?" He said cutely as he then stuffed his head deeper into my breasts. He's so cute!

  "Good morning Wataru." I said as I kissed his forehead. "Good morning Onee-Chan!" He said cutely as he then started to get up.

  "What's wrong Wataru?" I asked as he started to get ready. "I have to go to school." He said as he then went into the bathroom.

  School. . . Wait. . . I have to go to work!

  "See you later Wataru!" I yelled as I ran out of his room, and bursted into mine. I grabbed my clothes, and ran into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed, and made my way downstairs.

  When I got there, I saw most of the brothers down there already.

  "Hey, Ukyo!" I said as I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed some toast. "What are you wearing?!" He asked me with a completely red face.

  "What do you mean?" I'm wearing a black long sleeve dress that goes up to my thighs, and unfortunately, my bra is showing, which makes it less business-like, but I can't get the rest of the buttons to button or else they'll break. Then I'm wearing Victoria's Secret thongs, with black high heels.

"I will not let you" As he continued to talk about why he won't let me leave the house like this, I left the house, got on my motorcycle, and went to my hotel.

. . .

When I got there Sakura my assistant came up to me. "Is the electricity bill paid?" "Yes, mam." "Water bill?" "Yes, mam." "How many reserved rooms?" "568." "Any famous people reserve a room?" "Yes, 15." "When?" "Next month." "You gave them the king rooms with extra service?" "Yes, mam."

"Any other things that I should know about?" "Yes, there was a robbery last night." I then stopped walking and looked at her. "Show me the footage."

She then brought me to the security room and showed me the footage.

Two men barged in and tackled the girl at the desk. Then they ripped open the cash register and took all of the money. Then they threw a rock at the camera, that's where the tape stopped.

"Did you contact the police?" "Yes mam, they are looking over the issue, and are currently looking for the men." "As in they know who they are?" "No mam, they are trying to identify the men."

I then let out a deep sigh and rubbed my forehead. If you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself.

"Bring me to the room this happened, and bring me plastic bags, a lot of them." "Yes, Mam." She then left to go get the bags and gave them to me.

She then brought me into the third waiting room and left.

I went behind the register and found some evidence the cops didn't find. I used the tweezers and saw that it's a hair. I put it in one of the bags and kept looking. I then found a mans earring and put it into a bag.

This is why I hate cops, they never find all of the evidence. And this is the evidence they need in order to find the guys.

I then looked around one more time and left the room. I then texted Ema to tell Ukyo that I might not be home in time for dinner.

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