Chapter 10

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Everything hurts and I can't see anything.

Whenever I try to move I can't and I feel like I'm chained down. I can't open my eyes, it hurts too much.

Then, I heard a door close and footsteps.

"Time to wake up!" Someone familiar said to me as they then slapped me across the face.

"You need to be taught a lesson! So what better to do then do it then with your family?!"

I then heard something clanking, and I was being pulled, I felt medal dig into my wrists, feet, and neck.

"Do I have to drag you the whole way?! Wake up slut!" He yelled as he then kicked me hard in the stomach, and I heard a breaking sound that made me open my eyes and cry.

"There we go, nice to see you again!" I looked up at the man and saw that it was. . .































































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