Chapter 15

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Hey guys,

I'm in the process of editing this book and posting so sorry if stuff is slow (like it normally is). Also, please check out my new book, it's finished! It called Poisonous Cupcakes and it's about Oliver Kirkland and how he turned evil, so please go check that out and my other stuff. And I originally had a contest in another book and soon a book called 50 Shades of Mage will be out, if you didn't already know Mage is from Dancing With Devils, so make sure to be on the lookout for that and some other books that will be posted in the near future.

Thanks, guys! Now on with the story! And sorry if it's short, but guess what, the next chapters are going to be short because this book is almost finished! Yay! (Might do another contest when this book is done, so if you guys would like that please tell me and I'll think about it!)
(Tatsu's pov)

  "No! I won't let you take her!" I heard mommy yell as I made my way towards the tower.

  "You will both do as I say, Christa. If I tell you to give birth to my next heir you will do so. If I tell you to stay here you will stay and not step foot or even think about leaving this tower."

  I wonder what they're arguing about. . . I slowly made my way into the tower to try and listen to them. I opened the tower door and quietly made my way towards their voices. I opened the door a little to see what was going on and gasped quietly.

  Her white hair was out of its side ponytail and fell down her shoulders and onto the floor. Tears were leaking out of her ruby red eyes. Her cheeks were being squished together by his hands, forcing her to look at him.

  What do I do?

He then brought his free hand to the back of her head and pulled on her hair, making her grunt out in pain.
  "Now, Christa, I want you to slap me, show me how angry you are. Show me how much you hate me! Come on! Do it!" He screamed at her as he then slapped her across the face, making her fall onto the floor. Her shoulders shook as she cried, her face pressed against the floor as he then put his foot on top of her head, crushing down on it while she cried.

  "White Rose. . . pathetic, you opened your legs for your cousin and yet you still call yourself pure." He then spit on her and pulled her face up to his.

  "Now tell me, who do you love?" He smirked at her as he saw her cry harder.

  "I-I love"

  The scene suddenly changed, and I saw the little girl being taken away by the man. His long white hair swayed by him as he dragged the crying girl into the car.

"I don't want to go! I want to stay with mommy!" I heard her cry out as she was then pushed into a lime. I then heard footsteps, I turned around and saw a little boy with tears in his red eyes. His white with pink hair was cut short, but his bangs were in his eye.


The scene changed again, but this time. . . the little girl was alone in a pitch black room. Her white and pink hair was in her face while she cried. Suddenly the door opened, and the man came back in.

He went over to her, his gold eyes glaring at her.

"You are a mistake. You don't fit in with my plan." He then grabbed her wrist, the little girl tried to get away from him but failed. He pulled a needle out of his pocket and held it near her wrist.

"You are a disgrace to this family, you have tainted our name, you're a mistake. You need to learn your place, and that's out of our lives." He then injected it into her wrist, I watched as she screamed and panicked but slowly fell asleep. He smirked as he then picked her up and the scene suddenly changed again.

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