Chapter 11

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I slowly sat down next to him and watched as he took the alcohol and drank it. He then took the medicine and poured the whole bottle on my back.

"Ahhh! Make it stop! Make it stop!" I screamed while he just looked at me, a smirk on his face.

He then grabbed my face and forced me to look at him.

"That's it, that face, you look so beautiful when your in pain, make that face for me again, won't you?" He then grabbed my hair, and pushed my face under the water, I was unprepared and still crying, I breathed it in.

He then brought me back up by my hair and looked at me.

"Good girl. . ."

He then did it again, but this time I held my breath, but he kept me under there longer. . . And longer. . . And longer. I can't breath.


I need air.


I started to breath in the water, when I was pulled back up.

"Your such a good girl. . . I guess I should bandage you now, right?"

"Please, help me." I said and started to cry. He watched me in amusement, and started to lick up my tears.

  "Delicious. . . If only it was your cum, then it would be even better."

  He then turned me around and started to bandage my back. When he was done he turned me back around and looked at me. He then started to smile and get out of the tub.

  "Let's go, I think your ready." He then grabbed the chain around my neck and pulled me out of the tub. I shivered as the cold air hit my skin. He then threw a towel at me and let me dry myself.

  "Your going to need these too." He then handed me my undergarments and watched me put them on.

  "Why aren't you putting on your clothes?" I asked him. He then grinned at me as he put the rest of the chains on me.

  "You'll see soon enough." He then pulled me by all of my chains out of the room and. . . To where my family is?!

  "Please! Put on some clothes!" I begged him, but he then opened the door and went inside.

  "Wataru! Close your eyes!" I shouted only to hear Jace say, "If you close your eyes I'll kill you, then the rest of your family, then I'll torture poor, sweet Tatsu to death." How could he say that to a kid?!

  I heard him start to cry.

  "Wataru, it's going to be ok, don't worry." I screamed to him.

  "How is this ok?!" I heard Fuuto shout.

  "Fuuto, shut up!" I screamed.

  "This is all your fault Tatsu!" Ema. . .

  "If it weren't for you we wouldn't be in this mess!" I started to cry as she said that.

"This is what happens when you don't listen!"

  "Ahhh, don't cry, you know she's right." He then started to pull on my chains for me to go into the room, but I held onto the door frame.

  "Let go." He said in a dark menacing voice, I was scared stiff. He then picked up a pipe.

  "Let go, or else we'll have to break those pretty fingers of yours, and we wouldn't want that, would we?" He then looked over at my family and saw them all bobbing their heads from side to side.

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