1,000 Viewer Special Poll!!!

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  I am very proud of this book. When I started to write this book, I though to myself, Gigi, you suck at this, I know you love the anime, but give up on your dream to become a writer, it's never going to happen. But look at me know! I have another book that's going to be having one, thousand views,this one just made it, and I have others being written. I am very proud of myself, but I have to thank you all.

When I wrote my first book not many people read it, and I was thinking about deleting it, but then more people started to read it, and I got votes and comments which made me write more. Well, that's what happened with this book, so thank you so much. If it weren't for you I would have stopped this book waaaayyyyyyyyy earlier, so thank you.

  And now the votes! If one person voted twice for the same person I only counted one of their votes.


  And now. . . Here are the votes!


  Masaomi: 2 ("That's alright, I could always try again on the 5,000 viewer special.")

  Ukyo: 2 (*Sighs in relief* "Everyone at work would talk about that for days, and with this family. . . Years.")

  Kaname: 1 ("For parting is such sweet sorrow fair maiden, so don't worry, I'll make you happy on the 5,000 viewer special." *winks at you*)

  Hikaru: 0 ("As sad as this is, I'm glad, I can write a book on this!")

  Tsubaki: 1 ("Waaaa! Azusa! I didn't win!" *Azusa pats him on the head* "It's ok." *Tatsu comes into the room* *Tsubaki runs over to her* "A kiss would make me feel better." *Tatsu grabs his face and French kisses him then leaves* *Tsubaki ghost leaves him* *Azusa sweat drops*)

  Azusa: 1 (*Sad, but hiding that fact from Tsubaki* "Hahah! I can't believe it! You lost!" "You did too, you know." *Tsubaki starts pouting in the corner while Azusa just sighs at him*)

  Natsume: 2 ("What a shame." *rolls eyes while talking to Tsubaki* "I know right?! I am so depressed!" *sighs and winds up talking to Tsubaki till midnight about how Tsubaki lost, and not even mentioning how Natsume lost*)

  Louis: 2 ("I did good, right Chi?" *Ema looks at him and blushes out of embarrassment* "Yeah. . ." *Ema thinking: Why would anyone be proud of this?)

  Subaru: 0 ("Thank god, I would be so embarrassed if you wrote a lemon about me." *Author~Chan looks at him with a smirk* "That can always be arranged." *Auhor~Chan starts writing while Subaru reads it blushing.)

  Iori: 3 ("I won? Well. . . Just don't tell any of the girls at my school. . ." *school girls* "IIOOOORRRRRIIIIII!" *Starts to sweat drop while pretending he didn't hear them*)

  Yusuke: 1 ("He'll yeah! I got it!" *random person tells him he didn't* "Oh. . ." *blushes madly while face palming*)

  Fuuto: 1 ("I am the greatest idle this world has ever seen! How could you do this to me?! And how could you vote for that idiot?!" *Yusuke comes in* "Shut up!")

  Wataru: 0 ("Waaa! Masaomi! I didn't get any!" "It's ok Wataru, here." *gives lollipop* "Yay!")

  So the winner is. . . Iori! But don't forget, if you voted for someone else, I'm making a book called L~E~M~O~N~S~!, there all of your votes will be, it'll be out this week, so keep an eye out!

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