Chapter 13

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  I looked around the room, waiting for him to come in. Waiting for a punishment, but he never came.

  What does this mean? Why isn't he here yet? Did he forget? Did he forgive me for trying to escape? This doesn't make any sense!

  I sighed as I looked around the room for the hundredth time.

What is he planning?

Suddenly the door was pushed open and hit the wall, it even made a dent. I looked at who opened it and wished he didn't come. It was Jace.

"You've been a very bad girl, and it's about time you get punished." He said as he then took me off the table and put the neck, ankle, and wrist chains back on me, dragging me through the endless black hallway.

When we finally made it to a new room we were with my family. They looked exactly as they did when I saw them earlier, but only something new was in the room. A table with packets and tubes on it.


He then dragged me towards the table and made me sit down. Everyone looked at me shocked. I know why, they never saw my true hair color before.

  "She's beautiful isn't she? This is your first time seeing her real hair color isn't it?" He then started twirling a piece of my hair.

  "I was astonished when I first saw it too. . . She looked so innocent, but today your going to find out what she really is."

  He then started to open one of the packets and my eyes went wide once I realized what it was.

  "Do you remember these? We used to take them all the time, in fact, I was surprised when you said you were going to go to therapy for them."

  I then heard a gasp and some crying. I looked over and saw Ema, she refused to look at me. I then looked back at the table, my eyes filled with tears.


  Why did I ever take drugs?

  He then started to empty the packet on the table and rolled it up.

  "You get to go first, I know how much you used to love this stuff. He held the rolled up packet towards me. I didn't move.

  "Tatsu, don't make me force you too, you know I hate doing that."

  I stayed silent.

  He then grabbed my hair and slammed my head onto the table.

  "Ahhhhaa!" I screamed as I felt something dropping down my face.

  "Now are you going to listen to me?" He said, pulling my head up to look at him. I spit on him, the red substance going down his face.

  He looked at me disgusted before slamming my head back down on the table.

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