Chapter 14

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Hey guys,

  I really hate to tell you guys this, but when I published the 5k viewer special lemon apparently it didn't go out, and what's worse is that I wrote that while I was in a different state, so you know what my internet said when I found out it didn't publish? Goodbye lemons! I feel like making this girl look like an ass in front of her viewers! And you know what I say? The internet can go fuck itself! Hear that internet?! Fuck you! Anyway, I'm not redoing it because that was four lemons, and I was about to cry when I found out that didn't post. Also, sorry that this took me forever, it's just that I have some stuff going on in real life.

  Also, there is going to be something triggering in here, and I just want to tell you guys something very important before you start reading this chapter. I know people that are having problems similar to Tatsu but not quite, so when you start to get to that part I don't want you guys to post stuff saying that I support rape and I don't want you guys to make fun of Tatsu with what she will do. Remember that some people have stuff like this going on in real life and it isn't funny, so please if your going to vote on this chapter don't vote because of you just like the story or the chapter, do it to show that you are against rape and abuse.

  Now I will give you guys the choice to skip this part, you just have to keep going down until you see bold letters saying OVER, then you may continue reading.

  This chapter is going to be short, sorry, but this is a very important chapter because at the end it hints something very important, in fact, at the beginning of the book one of you guys even said something that will connect with this one word. Any guesses on what this one word might be?

  Also, don't forget to check out my two newest books, Anime Pick Up Lines for Dummies, and my Art Book.

Thank you.

I looked at him shocked as he said that.

"Why do I have to fuck him?! I'm not into him! I mean I am into him, but not anymore! You know what?! Fuck me! Actually, don't fuck me, fuck you!"

He looked at me angrily while the models looked at me shocked. Wait, did I say that out loud?

Jace then grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out of the room. He led me down the dark hallway while I complained about how he was pulling my hair too roughly. He stopped at a door finally and opened it while I stared around shocked.

"Where are we?"

  (This is describing the room, if you only want to skip the lemon continue, if not please look for the next pair of bold letters.)

The room had all sex devices in it. There was a bed frame with just a mattress on it with handcuffs attached to the posts. Then in another part of the room, there was a couch with a box of toys on it. Scattered around the room where multiple chains connected to the floor, weapons, and toys.

He then pushed me into the room and locked the door.

When he looked at me I saw how mad he was at me and avoided eye contact.

"Do you know why we are here?" He asked me, his eyes glaring daggers at me.

"Yes. . . ?" I asked him confused.

I heard him sigh as he then grabbed my hair and forced me to look up at him.

"You are here because you chose to disobey, and I'm fed up with you! You know that I can't stand it when you do this shit! So it's time that you face the heat!"

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